Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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Hopefully we can twist mitch's arm in to reproducing the F1 cross. I plan on hitting a Double Grape with the Tyrone Stomper, for Double Grape Stomper in time for a third quarter 2017 release.

I know everybody on the forums here already knows it and doesn't need me to tell them, but the guys over at Mephisto are nothing short of the best. Real class acts on so many fronts.
Huge shout out to Mitch for hooking it up, and Bill for his impeccable customer service.
Got my beans from the US based supplier only four days after I sent them the payment, which was outrageously fast! I was expecting it to take more along the lines of the 10-20 days that it seems to take much of the other UK based seed banks, but was blown completely out of the water.
At first when I got my package I was slightly disappointed to see the sweatshirt missing, and that the HBSS was out of stock so they threw me some sour bubbly as per Mitch's recommendation.
I have to say I was kind of bummed honestly. I was really looking forward to those hubbabubbas, and did not know too much about the Sour Bubbly's, but with the sweatshirt it was a freebie, and they covered for the HBSS, so I felt like I was in no position to complain, and just kind of let it ride, after all I just got my hands on some killer Spanish genetics. How could I be upset? I was a little bummed but a far cry from upset.
I was bummed until I got a knock at my door the next morning with a package from Barcelona..... Inside was an awesome Mephisto hoodie, who's pockets were absolutely loaded with goodies!
Thanks again to Mitch and Bill! You guys are setting a bar that's going to be next to impossible to meet, between your genetics and your customer service, you are certainly the best in the industry. You have a loyal customer in me for life. Cant wait to see what the future holds!
Much love from the other side of the pond.
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