Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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George did you not have to pay 10 euros for shipping?:woody::jawdrop:
Bro, them swimmers ain't cheap lol. But, yea I did they just sent it on the 23rd a Friday b4 Christmas Eve so that's what's really killing it I think but damn I think I'm like the last 1. Gotta save the best for last I guess lol.
Me not so lucky ordered pick 'n' mix 3 pack got 3 skywalker, 3 grape crinkle, 4 hubbabubbasmellpscope and 4 white crack so it looks like I got 3 seeds more than a normal order:crying:
some days your the windshield some days your the bug. this time I'm the bug
Sounds like you got hooked up like crazy!
Non promo - that order would be 5 seeds in the mix pack and 3 seeds for freebies. 8 seeds total.

You say you got 10 seeds so that's double the pack +4 freebies, so that's 1 seed over from what I can work out :D
Anything extra should always be appreciated in my opinion, whether it's one freebie or 10!
Bro, them swimmers ain't cheap lol. But, yea I did they just sent it on the 23rd a Friday b4 Christmas Eve so that's what's really killing it I think but damn I think I'm like the last 1. Gotta save the best for last I guess lol.
Don't worry I'm in the u.s. and still haven't received a thing either. :/
Don't worry I'm in the u.s. and still haven't received a thing either. :/
Hell yeah Im jus talkin shit Mephisto has a place in my heart:kiss:.... they popped my cherry for autos and have never disappointed me. Shits a relationship I love the product and customer service is bar none so y would I spend my hard earned elsewhere.
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