I agree. I had a look in the tent before leaving for work this morning and everything looked just fine although one thing jumped out at me... I need to rearrange the girls in there. Currently I have 2 plants on one side of the tent middle is empty with the low hanging and angled autocob and then the single plant. I believe it would be better if I had the two plants in the centre with the third plant behind them on one side for two reasons.I say go ahead and try it! Just monitor every day and if you see anything not right, just change them back.
I personally think its a great idea. And its still 2 cobs for 2 plants at the end of day. So i dont expect any light or heat stress. More lights to bud sites equals bigger buds. Period. So i don't see why not?
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1) the single plant may benefit from some of the side lighting that can slip past the two plants
2) having the third plant right behind the 2 with it’s own autocob above should benefit from light spillover from the autocob above the 2 and vice versa. I’ll change everything around when I get home. So basically the empty spot will be on one end of the tent and that will allow sufficient distance between the plants and the angled autocob.