Thanks jingo. Planning on chopping 2 of 3 tomorrow night. As that’s my first window with time to do so. The third will most likely be next weekend as it’s behind the other 2 by about a week. I’d love to hear advice from any of you reading this on the best practices for chopping. Wait til fully dried out? Then chop? Do I bother throwing it in the dark for a day or two? Input is greatly appreciated. My sincerest thanks in advanceHey Brother, if you like a more uplifting Buzz that one plant does look ready. There's nothing at all wrong for harvesting the effect that you desire. It's also kind of fun to get going on new projects. Sometimes I'll Harvest a little bit earlier than I really wanted to cuz I'm a bit excited to get going early. But you're the guy with eyes on the plant, so you're going to have to decide[emoji848][emoji846]