Outdoor Mephisto + Aussie sunshine

Id recommend growing 1 or 2 at a time till you figure it out. What are temps there like? Autos do best when its warm, best to start them about a month after people typically put photos outside. They need to grow from the go unlike photos which can linger till the climate kicks them into high gear.

Also growing in ground, if thats an option, is much more forgiving than pots tend to be. A bit of that 'hot' soil mixed into local dirt might be just the ticket, DONT overwater...
@912GreenSkell Mate you're a goldmine of knowledge & experience, any help your can offer will always be welcomed! I've actually started another outdoor grow... I'm yet to start a grow diary for them, what thread would you like me to start it in?

You can either start a new one in outdoors, new growers or just keep adding to this thread. Its all up to you!

Is there any way you could follow the outdoor auto guide i wrote?
@4tokin mate I agree with you 100%. I reckon you've hit the nail on the head. In a perfect world I would love to have been able to move them in & out of the elements as needed. It's disappointing too as even with soil that was not entirely appropriate, they have soldiered on, and other than their size I don't really have much else to complain about. They could have been monsters!

It's a bit of work and a lot of pain in the ass but dragging plants in and out is paying off.
Fleapay has some small propagation greenhouses that may help your situation. Or you could build a cold frame or A frame using old windows or glass doors.
The potting mix that is sold at our hardware stores is totally inadequate for cannabis cultivation. It needs a lot of amending to bring it up to speed. Even then you have to feed the plants hard.
Nurture the ones you have and they will provide.
With a bit of luck you learn something with every new grow.
Afternoon everyone! What a beautiful summer day today. Top of 32, clear blue sky, nice breeze.. Good vibes.

Not a great deal to report, other than the little freak shows are fattening up, and smelling nice and strong. They're just on 60 days now, all with milky trichomes are milky on all plants, should get a bit of amber in the next few day I would hope.

Getting pretty keen to sample this yarndi, so the smallest of the sour cracks may find itself pulled in the next few days.

Sour Crack


Skylar White

Take it easy team!! :vibe:
