Outdoor Mephisto + Aussie sunshine

Pics of some autos growing out in the rainforest. Biggest ones are over 2 foot tall. Pics were taken 10 days ago. Once you work out how to grow autos there so easy to grow. These autos will Finnish in another 6 weeks.
Pics of some autos growing out in the rainforest. Biggest ones are over 2 foot tall. Pics were taken 10 days ago. Once you work out how to grow autos there so easy to grow. These autos will Finnish in another 6 weeks. View attachment 839700 View attachment 839701

You have got that right...its the immense varied climates across the globe that offer different challenges. A rainforest climate, differs a ton versus a desert or tundra. Challenged like under 10C nights are not so easy to overcome.
You have got that right...its the immense varied climates across the globe that offer different challenges. A rainforest climate, differs a ton versus a desert or tundra. Challenged like under 10C nights are not so easy to overcome.
I've noticed temps and soils play a big part in how autos grow. The first 2 seasons I got nothing off them . so I changed to mountain soil and power feed fertilizer. I also don't use flowering fertilizers during flowering I use high nitrogen to make the plants blend in to stop rippers. Never a had one bit of mold from the autos. Will take some more pics today. People love the potency of autos. I'm selling them for 240 an ounce.
Update time!!!

So the little fellas ended up yielding around 10 grams dry. Fuck all really. But after a cure they smoke really well and have a great citrus flavour.

So obviously the only thing to do then was get a few more beans in the ground!!

I had some Alien Vs Triangle beans that were freebies. They germinated really easily. One went into coco, the other went into a small transplant pot (as per @912GreenSkell design) and was destined for life in the ground.


Things were going really well. The initial issues with shit soil were non-existant and the girls were powering!!


The girl in coco was fed A&B and some bloom nutes. Just a wee bit to begin with. There was still plenty of rain, averaged around 80mm a week, with average daytime temps sitting in the 30s.

Around week 3 or 4 it was time to transplant the other one into soil. The earth in my area is a very rich and fertile red volcanic clay. I dug out a large hole, and made a 50/50 mix of the native clay soil and river sand.


And some cow shit for good measure!


And in she went!!