Outdoor Mephisto + Aussie sunshine

Everything was peaches & cream until a dog dug it up & had a good old chew of the one in the ground. Worst part was it wasn't even my dog so I couldn't boot it in the ribs. I re-planted and put some chook wire around it, but the damage was already done. The dog chewed the roots til there were almost none left. I wasn't hopeful...


In other news the girl in the coco was dead set charging!!

After a big summer storm one afternoon I went to check to girls and a decent size branch had fallen on the poor little one that had already been fucked up by the dog, so I decided to put it in a pot too. I still used the native earth as a potting medium.


It's a stunted little thing, but it's alive and growing. What a champion!!! @mephisto you have created some tough buggers!!

The big girl is around 650-700mm in this pic
Sucks about the dog....thats one of the things i really need to do when i write the guerilla guide is stress to dig your holes weeks before you plan to use them. Canines love freshly dug soil and often dig it up.(coyotes do the same this as well as racoons)
Looks like the plant has perked up quite a bit though!! Be interesting to see how the native soil performs!
Everything was peaches & cream until a dog dug it up & had a good old chew of the one in the ground. Worst part was it wasn't even my dog so I couldn't boot it in the ribs. I re-planted and put some chook wire around it, but the damage was already done. The dog chewed the roots til there were almost none left. I wasn't hopeful...

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In other news the girl in the coco was dead set charging!!

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That girl is pumping along . has she spent her whole life outdoors