Outdoor Mephisto + Aussie sunshine

The little rat bags are about day 50. They are funny as! They smell awesome and are bulking out (...well, as best as they can considering they are midgets:smoking:)

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Cheers mate. We've just had another overcast week with 90mm of rain.. It's not ideal at all, but at least they aren't dead!!

Left to right- Skylar White, sour crack 1, sour crack 2, AvT.. None of the girls how really grown in the last week, and if they have it's been minimal. Colour of plants is still fine. Temps have been lows of around 14-15 and highs of around 25-27
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My thoughts are that, with your plants in their current location they are exposed to the elements 24/7. I am guessing that the first 3 weeks they where exposed to cool night and morning temperatures. From my limited experience with autos they need to be babied for the first couple of weeks while they build up their root structure. If you don't get that early root growth you will never catch up. I am thinking your plants will have under developed root structure.

My current run of outdoors autos comes in every night and when the weather is poor.
@4tokin mate I agree with you 100%. I reckon you've hit the nail on the head. In a perfect world I would love to have been able to move them in & out of the elements as needed. It's disappointing too as even with soil that was not entirely appropriate, they have soldiered on, and other than their size I don't really have much else to complain about. They could have been monsters!