Mephisto all hype?

my last 4 grows have been mephs and they’ve been outstanding!!!!! Never had so much as a nanner. Sticky, stinky, big, potent & beautiful
I grow them pretty much EXCLUSIVELY now


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Just an awesome breeder, heavy training and defoil’s never had an issue, well there’s one thing I hate about mephisto................always sold out !!!


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I’m currently doing a run of sweet n sour and it’s just awesome looking !! Lots of heavy defoil no herms or naners, smell is overwhelming and should be finishing up in a week or two then it’s on to bear assed monkey !!!!!!! Can’t wait


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I've grown about 20 different Mephisto strains so far. I can't comment about yield, because I usually grow in a mixed-strain SOG with restrictive potting (1-liter airpots, solo cups, always in coco). I've only had three plants grow pollen sacks so far, only a few, and none of them grew more after I removed those. A 3BOG did right after topping, a Toofless Alien and Forum Stomper did after stretching into my lights. All the others survived through training (LST, topping, supercropping), accidentally snapping off half the plant adjusting LST (sorry, NCH!), neglect while traveling, multi-day power outages, temperature and humidity swings, and so on without showing any intersex traits.

Of the ones the OP listed, Fugue State and NCH are favorites. I also particularly love Toof Decay, Grapey Walter, Pink Panama, Cosmic Queen, and Strawberry Nuggets.

I don't think Mephisto is all hype, but I totally get it when people have been really frustrated by limited availability trying to get their seeds in the last year or so.
Here's a picture of a Hubbabubbasmelloscope I have going now, day 77, probably harvesting in the next week or so (stigmas are still white, but the trichomes are >80% cloudy). 1-liter airpot, bottom-fed coco, grown in a 2x2' under two 60W autoCOBs along with 5 other plants roughly the same size. The lower branches with colored zip ties were hand pollinated. It's about 27" tall, mostly because I kept bending the upper branches down as they tried to stretch into the light.


(purple = Mandalorian Anvil pollen, blue = Night Owl Blue Microverse pollen, green = Wicked Pissah! Blueberry XL pollen; all males from regular autos)

After this batch I'm going to make a thread about tricks I've found for making seeds but also growing mostly unseeded flower all in one small tent. I needed to get pictures of a couple of the steps (hand-pollinating inside a ziplock bag, seeds maturing, seed extraction).
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Here's a picture of a Hubbabubbasmelloscope I have going now, day 77, probably harvesting in the next week or so (stigmas are still white, but the trichomes are >80% cloudy). 1-liter airpot, bottom-fed coco, grown in a 2x2' under two 60W autoCOBs along with 5 other plants roughly the same size. The lower branches with colored zip ties were hand pollinated. It's about 27" tall, mostly because I kept bending the upper branches down as they tried to stretch into the light.


(purple = Mandalorian Anvil pollen, blue = Night Owl Blue Microverse pollen, green = Wicked Pissah! Blueberry XL pollen; all males from regular autos)

After this batch I'm going to make a thread about tricks I've found for making seeds but also growing mostly unseeded flower all in one small tent. I needed to get pictures of a couple of the steps (hand-pollinating inside a ziplock bag, seeds maturing, seed extraction).
I’d love to hear about that. I have some Zamaldelica Express regs on the way, as well as some other auto reg seeds, that I intend to mess with down the line, once I’m dialed in reliably.
One thing is for sure!
Flux doesn't flux around when growing Meph!:eyebrows:

And parsing_trees, you're just showing off with that crazy not so little HBSS! :funny: :thumbsup:

Any Mephheads growing/grown any of these freebies?
Northern Cheese Haze X Sour Bubbly
3 Bears OG X Double Grape
Here's a picture of a Hubbabubbasmelloscope I have going now, day 77, probably harvesting in the next week or so (stigmas are still white, but the trichomes are >80% cloudy). 1-liter airpot, bottom-fed coco, grown in a 2x2' under two 60W autoCOBs along with 5 other plants roughly the same size. The lower branches with colored zip ties were hand pollinated. It's about 27" tall, mostly because I kept bending the upper branches down as they tried to stretch into the light.


(purple = Mandalorian Anvil pollen, blue = Night Owl Blue Microverse pollen, green = Wicked Pissah! Blueberry XL pollen; all males from regular autos)

After this batch I'm going to make a thread about tricks I've found for making seeds but also growing mostly unseeded flower all in one small tent. I needed to get pictures of a couple of the steps (hand-pollinating inside a ziplock bag, seeds maturing, seed extraction).
That would be great to do! :thumbsup: