Mephisto all hype?

One thing is for sure!
Flux doesn't flux around when growing Meph!:eyebrows:

And parsing_trees, you're just showing off with that crazy not so little HBSS! :funny: :thumbsup:

Any Mephheads growing/grown any of these freebies?
Northern Cheese Haze X Sour Bubbly
3 Bears OG X Double Grape

Maybe, but I've also got a Forum Stomper in a 1L next to it: :biggrin:

Like I said, there are six plants in the 2x2. Those two, a Toofless Alien, a Twisted Tree Crinkle Cut auto, and two Wicked Pissah! Blueberry XLs. The last three are in solo cups, but also about the same size.

I haven't grown any of those crosses you mentioned, but several people on the MephHeads subreddit have grown the Northern Cheese Haze X Sour Bubbly freebie and it seems to be a heavy yielder.
Ordered Lost Elephant, Crinkle Cut, Mulled and Twisted, Twisted Menagerie.......any seeds I have I can swap with a brother, so extras are ok with me.
Crinkle cut I'm in love with. Smells like grape taffy banana peel and honey suckle. Just chopped one and got another going. The other one getting cut sunday smells like straight grape laffy taffy. Frosty sticky gals. ICheck the thread Where the green grass grows. you can check my progress and others with twisted tree.
Maybe, but I've also got a Forum Stomper in a 1L next to it: :biggrin:

Like I said, there are six plants in the 2x2. Those two, a Toofless Alien, a Twisted Tree Crinkle Cut auto, and two Wicked Pissah! Blueberry XLs. The last three are in solo cups, but also about the same size.

I haven't grown any of those crosses you mentioned, but several people on the MephHeads subreddit have grown the Northern Cheese Haze X Sour Bubbly freebie and it seems to be a heavy yielder.

So to be clear, you’re bottom feeding these little ladies in coco by pouring in nutes to that bowl a few times a day? Great work on them!
Maybe, but I've also got a Forum Stomper in a 1L next to it: :biggrin:

Like I said, there are six plants in the 2x2. Those two, a Toofless Alien, a Twisted Tree Crinkle Cut auto, and two Wicked Pissah! Blueberry XLs. The last three are in solo cups, but also about the same size.

I haven't grown any of those crosses you mentioned, but several people on the MephHeads subreddit have grown the Northern Cheese Haze X Sour Bubbly freebie and it seems to be a heavy yielder.
Thanks for the input and info from reddit, I think I'm subscribed to that sub. I just don't like Reddit much. Too damn hard to follow stuff! LOL!
Here's a picture of a Hubbabubbasmelloscope I have going now, day 77, probably harvesting in the next week or so (stigmas are still white, but the trichomes are >80% cloudy). 1-liter airpot, bottom-fed coco, grown in a 2x2' under two 60W autoCOBs along with 5 other plants roughly the same size. The lower branches with colored zip ties were hand pollinated. It's about 27" tall, mostly because I kept bending the upper branches down as they tried to stretch into the light.


(purple = Mandalorian Anvil pollen, blue = Night Owl Blue Microverse pollen, green = Wicked Pissah! Blueberry XL pollen; all males from regular autos)

After this batch I'm going to make a thread about tricks I've found for making seeds but also growing mostly unseeded flower all in one small tent. I needed to get pictures of a couple of the steps (hand-pollinating inside a ziplock bag, seeds maturing, seed extraction).
Damn Dude! I grow in 2l soda bottles & 1/2 gal fabric pots. My plants are not that big. Great job!
I only grew meph once but will do from now on one strain from them in every grow until I can say something negative ;-) . Auto blues x sour bubbly got me my highest auto yield so far... 81g ..not bad for a freebie. Absolutely stunning smell and taste. Frosty.
Got my hands on double grape, forum stomper, toofless alien and mango smile as well as few freebies. Only thing I want from them now are strawberry nuggets...
Oh yeah and as for the orders ... Not a problem at all, just read reddit "we open in one week at blahblah oclock", then set up timer on mobile phone and no problems at all. For example last time they started sunday at 13:00. Alarm on mobile phone went at 12:55.. 13:08 order confirmed. Dont know why people struggle with this basic stuff.... Its not that hard.
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I only grew meph once but will do from now on one strain from them in every grow until I can say something negative ;-) . Auto blues x sour bubbly got me my highest auto yield so far... 81g ..not bad for a freebie. Absolutely stunning smell and taste. Frosty.
Got my hands on double grape, forum stomper, toofless alien and mango smile as well as few freebies. Only thing I want from them now are strawberry nuggets...
Oh yeah and as for the orders ... Not a problem at all, just read reddit "we open in one week at blahblah oclock", then set up timer on mobile phone and no problems at all. For example last time they started sunday at 13:00. Alarm on mobile phone went at 12:55.. 13:08 order confirmed. Dont know why people struggle with this basic stuff.... Its not that hard.
Because we are stoned!
But seriously I had everything in my cart early and it added another 4 items I did not want at checkout. Things by this point were not running fast.
Got things deleted then it said I had to delete the things that were no longer available. Then the spinning wheel from hell. Yada yada no seeds. Niteowl got seeds, Rocbud got seeds 2times in a row, Mephisto no seeds! Might try again this Monday. Yes, I am old and it is hard.
And I need to say that Im ordering from eu store .. maybe that can make a difference?
And oldbobcat bro thats why Im setting up that alarm otherwise Id remember that week later if at all ;-)
So to be clear, you’re bottom feeding these little ladies in coco by pouring in nutes to that bowl a few times a day? Great work on them!
I'm pouring pre-mixed nutrient water in two windowboxes each morning, aiming for just enough that they can wick up what they want over the day, but so the tray still dries out by the following morning. As long as no water sticks around for days, it never has a chance to become stagnant and cause root rot. I got this idea from reading about how the pump in autopots water. Adding a little hydrogen peroxide gives a wider margin for error, including keeping the water oxygenated and allowing me to water for a couple days at a time if I need to.

The plastic tub ("bowl") is just so I don't set the plastic bottle on my carpet, but when I've put males or reversed females in my pollen isolation bin I bottom-feed them in one of those.

I'm normally watering by hand, once a day. It's low maintenance but seems to work pretty well. Since they have continued access to water over the day, the small containers aren't that limiting, much like tiny netpots suspending plants above a DWC reservoir can still grow massive plants.

I start bottom-feeding around 7-10 days from sprout (once the roots reach the bottom). I top-water once every couple weeks in case there's salt buildup, since the medium dries from the top down, but otherwise completely bottom-feed for the rest of the grow.

I use Dyna-Gro nutrients (Foliage-Pro in veg, Bloom in flower). Both are one-part and store pre-mixed for at least a week or two without pH drift. I usually switch over during the flowering stretch, sometimes with a 50/50 mix of them for a week or so. I also use buildasoil coconut water powder about half the time, added just before watering. The plants seem to love it. So does algae, but the hydrogen peroxide help keep algae in check until the canopy shades the tray.