No worries. I'm no expert either!
When you combine multiple nutrients, you add the different N-P-K together to get a total number of each. Those 3 nutes combine to 6-3-10. However, I typed out a long winded explanation of what I thought regarding that ratio but after doing some research on Advanced Nutrients, it appears that their N-P-K ratios work differently than other nutrients. So, I shouldn't try to confuse things!
Again, looking good so far man! I'll be watching along and hoping for the best!
When you combine multiple nutrients, you add the different N-P-K together to get a total number of each. Those 3 nutes combine to 6-3-10. However, I typed out a long winded explanation of what I thought regarding that ratio but after doing some research on Advanced Nutrients, it appears that their N-P-K ratios work differently than other nutrients. So, I shouldn't try to confuse things!
Again, looking good so far man! I'll be watching along and hoping for the best!