New Grower Medi's Medical grow

Holy crap there's a mob!!! This is I felt the bud shot that came out best, it's from Thing 1, and is basically the first of the secondary buds that shot up when I bent over her main stem.


Edit: I just realized how naughty that sounds. Accidental giggity.

Edit2: The rest of Thing 1


Looks like she really liked being bent over! The naughty ones are always best!
Yeah man, Thing 1 is definitely the great green hope of my grow, all that's left is for her to fill in a bit more and mature up. Thing 2 on the other hand is a major diva with strange attributes. Thing 2 currently has an almost licorice smell like a Durban, mixed with a coffee/skunk smell, she has longer more slender leaves, she's pretty much straight yellow at this point, and her buds are a bit behind in maturity. Not sure where I'll land on the quality of Thing 2 but at least I have one that I know will be great meds! Here's a shot of thing 2 from the photos I took yesterday. She isn't terrible she just isn't tracking Thing 1.

I figure ya prolly know this already but just pointing it out.Ya see the edges of the sun leaves,how they are crinkled up some? you can try to lessen that for slightly happier plants,but not too big a deal,until they flatout are canoeing heavier.
Do you mean physically manipulate them? As far as what they're getting at this point, it's juts PHd water from here out, I gave them Azomite the other day scratched into the top, and the watering before that I top dressed some Dr. Earth's, and I figure water only from here out should use up what's left in the container.
lololol, professionals, not me Chandy this is my first time growing with good genetics, LEDs, good soil, real nutrients, and buds that look like buds. I forget where your NL comes from, but Gman has the same breeder as mine, and he went 76 days, and I'm planning to go probably 83 days.

If ya do it without ballsing up thats fessional if you ask me :-p

Mine were from World o Seeds. Im a bit stuck on em tbh, my others were twice the size at this age and already over halfway through their flush. Aint started on mine yet cus they dont seem ready. IDK. Ill save it f my journal :-p lol.
Well, whenever you do I'll be there to offer my support :-D I appreciate the compliment but I've definitely botched it a few times myself. WoS NL X BB is on my list of future grows since so many people seem to have good luck with it.
No not at all.not to physically manipulate them,just to try n work with your heat n lights a in small increments is all I was getting at to lessen it a small bit.but soo close to harvest is often when it gets worse n thats I said no biggie,just a good exercise in try to dial in your heat n lights a slight bit better is all.Light and/or mild heat stress.noo biggie."AFN smoke out"
My temps are peaking at 79 so it isn't that, the light is about 17-18 inches from the top heighest top. Is it possible that it's the type of light, or intensity? I'm going to have a hard time getting the light up further but I'll try ti figure something out. I think I'll try harder to keep the height down on the next grow, that should make the light issue better. Thanks for the heads up, I had kinda written it off as the cause but as I was typing I realizerd it may just be too intense for even 17-18", I know with LEDs flowering tolerance is lower than veg so it makes sense. Thanks again!

Edit: I was able to get them moved up to 20" so we'll see if that helps them open back up.
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lololol, professionals, not me Chandy this is my first time growing with good genetics, LEDs, good soil, real nutrients, and buds that look like buds. I forget where your NL comes from, but Gman has the same breeder as mine, and he went 76 days, and I'm planning to go probably 83 days.

Well, whenever you do I'll be there to offer my support :-D I appreciate the compliment but I've definitely botched it a few times myself. WoS NL X BB is on my list of future grows since so many people seem to have good luck with it.

What a guy :-D lol. Of course, ye olde breakage :( That saddened me, poor gal. Ive got an NLxBB i got given as a freebie when i bought my Northerns. We can start them on the same day and they can be birthing buddies ;) haha.

My temps are peaking at 79 so it isn't that, the light is about 17-18 inches from the top heighest top. Is it possible that it's the type of light, or intensity? I'm going to have a hard time getting the light up further but I'll try ti figure something out. I think I'll try harder to keep the height down on the next grow, that should make the light issue better. Thanks for the heads up, I had kinda written it off as the cause but as I was typing I realizerd it may just be too intense for even 17-18", I know with LEDs flowering tolerance is lower than veg so it makes sense. Thanks again!
My Northerns seem t hate the light. Its miles away from them now and theyre still getting sunburn :-/
Photophobia....That's an interesting genetic trait for a plant :no: