New Grower Medi's Medical grow

yeah me too.If I recall right its right around the 16th er so...heck I But Insect Frass is an All natural 2-2-2 and kills fungus gnats,enhances mold,fungus and pest control as well as natural defenses too.I have a thread on it cuz Ive been looking at it for sometime now,and I can see if it does what It says,I wont want to grow without it..especially outdoors or in the warmer months indoors for pests n stuff.Yeah Medi,Im gonna use mine if it turns out alright in my large batch of soil that'll be cooking all summer and fall long till I bring it indoors n treat the soil for Pests.Im looking forward to seeing your next grow with organics..thats gonna be something special I think.Hope yer back is doin alright.Mine was seriously jacked up a few days ago.but since my Butter has been made its been a bit better over the course..pretty nice.but I make pretty strong no fuckin around kinda oils n stuff..LOL!:Sharing One:
I think I may be getting ready to turn the corner back toward normal so I'm thankful for that, but over the last few days the back spasms have been intolerable and largely untreatable with anything short of an incapacitating dose of cannabis. By that I mean drool running down your chin, staring at the same spot on the wall for an hour jacked out of your mind stoned. Thanks for the concern, and I'm glad to hear you're doing better was well. It's a good thing my pain level only gets this high occasionally because it just about drives you out of your right mind.
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Oh dude,I know many sofs whom have serious issues like that.and a Jump injury...shit.thats some pain does too dude,drives ya right frigin mad some snap and yell and as sad or mad for any number of reasons you make up in your head that make sense.but we all know its cuz we are frigin hurting and it wears you out sooo often and thin it cracks the thin layer of normal/everythings good shell and its on for no reason.then you induce a Coma and all's right with the world..LOL!

Sounds like you need to get your hands on some Stone Dragons dude...some SD's and take that and grow a sativa and mix the two with a blend of oil(not sure how ya take yer meds)and a small bit of sativa with your pain meds.ya just might like that.I feel for ya man,I know that kind of pain all too back is in piss poor shape too.

maaaan, I know that excitement too!! you know it helps ya ,yer getting better and closer,and once you achieve that few jar collection of dry n curing meds to do what ya want with.I promise you this,it will put a warm feeling in your heart know you now have a supply of meds when you have little else is truly fantastic.When I achieved that I was on top of the world.still am kinda to be honest even though I still feel like ass and nerve pains are frigin driving me nuts,it still feels awesome and quite truthfully ,its a bit of a humbling all kinds of baked atm,but I did check my thread and I/we started on the 14th and I buried mine on the 16th...I got a few vids Im gonna share soon too.excellent vids a buddy turned me onto too."AFN smoke out"
I think I may be getting ready to turn the corner back toward normal so I'm thankful for that, but over the last few days the back spasms have been intolerable and largely untreatable with anything short of an incapacitating dose of cannabis. By that I mean drool running down your chin, staring at the same spot on the wall for an hour jacked out of your mind stoned. Thanks for the concern, and I'm glad to hear you're doing better was well. It's a good thing my pain level only gets this high occasionally because it just about drives you out of your right mind.

Have you been doing oils? The last 2 batches I made i used a lot of trim in, including fan leaves and small stalks. I can tell its got a good dose of CBD in it because yesterday I took a cap then an hour and a half later, I ate a mini corn muffin. I had a nice buzz that was functional, but my body was totally relaxed and pain free. I used about 35 grams of trim and 10 grams of bud to a cup and a quarter of coconut oil.

I have had 2 back surgeries that left me worse than I started, and every treatment known to man. My last option from western medicine is an electronic implant. I believe I have my oil tuned to my needs now and it has been a tremendous relief! I can still sometimes notice some irritation of the sciatic nerve, but that I can mostly ignore. But when the pain ramps up, and the arthritis kicks in with it, edibles brings pain relief that nothing else matches.
Good stuff man, isn't Stone Dragon really hard to get these days? I was thinking after I run out of beans I might do a high CBD strain like this or this. The second one I would need to upgrade my odor control plan to accommodate obviously. I've also considered doing a photo grow of some Cannatonic and then turning the whole haul into bubble hash for the really tough pain days. My main intake these days is vaping from my MFLB, but I think I need to get a good bubbler for those times I can't sleep because it's a chore using an MFLB to get obliterated. It's akin to getting drunk with boones farm through a sippy cup.
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Have you been doing oils? The last 2 batches I made i used a lot of trim in, including fan leaves and small stalks. I can tell its got a good dose of CBD in it because yesterday I took a cap then an hour and a half later, I ate a mini corn muffin. I had a nice buzz that was functional, but my body was totally relaxed and pain free. I used about 35 grams of trim and 10 grams of bud to a cup and a quarter of coconut oil.

I have had 2 back surgeries that left me worse than I started, and every treatment known to man. My last option from western medicine is an electronic implant. I believe I have my oil tuned to my needs now and it has been a tremendous relief! I can still sometimes notice some irritation of the sciatic nerve, but that I can mostly ignore. But when the pain ramps up, and the arthritis kicks in with it, edibles brings pain relief that nothing else matches.

I'm sorry tot hear about that man, I can obviously relate. I've not used food grade oils, I've made edibles with butter before and I've had hash oil before, but never the type of oil you're describing. I'd be really interested in learning more about the process using coconut oil, it seems like there are so many ways to make oilis and extracts that the terminology isn't adequate to compensate. It makes sense to use fan leaves though since from what I've read they are really high in CBD. Any help directing me toward a recipe would be greatly appreciated Pop!!

On a semi-related note, I really love this community! We all share our love for the plant, and our joy in growing it, but we also share a lot of the same issues in life and this seems to make us get along better. I've read through a lot of similar forums(without naming names) and most of them are these drama filled disjointed member base places of sadness. And here we seem to all get along famously with only the occasional jackwagon who gets sorted quickly. Thanks to all of you who have made this such an incredible community to be a part of!!
The simplest recipe is to cook a minimum of an ounce of plant material in 1 cup of oil. Now I've used both olive oil and coconut oil. I like the coconut oil better, doesn't pick up that "green" taste that you get with olive oil.

I believe that about the only way to ruin your oil when cooking it is to burn it, or cook it tool long. Use a double boiler or, what I do is use 2 small pyrex dishes. Mine are round about 4-5" across. They fit nicely inside my crockpot. I set a couple of old jar lids ( metal because the don't float as easy ) in the bottom. I set my jars in and fill to about 1/3 the way up the sides of the jars with boiling water. I grind my trim and buds with a coffee grinder, then decarb at 252F for 27 minutes. I place the the ground matter in the pyrex dishes and pour the oil over it. Its a good idea to cover the dishes so that water doesn'r get in. My dishes came with lids. If you get these dishes, don't let the lids touch the side of the crockpot, it WILL melt them!

I cook for 2-3 hours. 3v hours is more body/pain med, 2 hours has a little more head buzz.

There are other recipes, some that can make much stronger oil than this. its a matter of finding what works best for you. I can tell you this, That last batch I made and used for edibles, could put me flat on my back, and totally pain free lol!
It's akin to getting drunk with boones farm through a sippy cup.[/QUOTE]

Ha! Boone's Farm through a sippy're killin' me. Living with that kind of pain is something that is rarely communicated in layman terms. Good comparative description though. It's impossible for anyone to fully understand that kind of chronic pain unless they live with it. I'm weary from taking all the Rx prescribed for pain management. Most of the time they only help with the edge of real deep pain. Cannabis immediately gets right to the core and either kills it or makes me forget I hurt...lovely stuff.

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Thank you very much Pop, I'll start with your method as a framework for finding my own sweet spot. I may also throw in some ABV with whatever I put together, maybe that'll be a good way to use it up.
Thank you very much Pop, I'll start with your method as a framework for finding my own sweet spot. I may also throw in some ABV with whatever I put together, maybe that'll be a good way to use it up.

If you can, get some granular Lecithin. Add a little to the oil before cooking it, maybe a teaspoon or 2. It makes it more bio-available. I've used lecithin caps, but they have to be cut and its very messy. The caps don't disolve in the oil I found and they're thick as hell.