New Grower Medimadness’ rotating garden of lunacy.

hi pal fellow uk grower im glad your finding your feet i grow in a back bedroom using autopots and a small tent my best advice is keep it simple brother and i will keep my eye on your progress
@St. Tom cheers man, glad to have you along. :welcome:

But that's the plan, just a small rotating medical garden :) I have a bit of experience with photos helping friends with their crops and am studying horticulture but still little experience with autos or LED lighting, both of which I'm using. or the systems themselves really, I mean I can tell most problems apart but ideally you don't want it to get to that stage lol. but the guys here were so helpful that even after a mistake with my fan I was able to save my plants. I'm not as techy as most my age, country boy haha
Learned a lot since though, I was a lurker and not really a forum guy but I never realised how much more you learn just by interacting with the guys here!

I mentioned before I'm pretty badly colour blind so I would appreciate those eyes from time to time if you don't mind haha can be hard to make sure everything is nice and green when your eyes only pick up 5% of red and green lol

Im also very interested in using autopots, I was looking to test them out on some beef tomatoes in my greenhouse first to get to grips with it first. Any decent budget brands/suppliers you know of over here by any chance? Most of the systems I've seen have been quite dear.:cheers::pighug:
about 79 pounds i paid brother i will pm you a few thats with 47 ltr res and 4 15 ltr pots there so much less messing im 49 in bad health so i know what your saying and im same as you helped friends then few years later thought i could do this on the qt with no one knowing and i have never once asked anyone i know if i had a issue all the help i needed is off here pal as loose lips sink ships
Thanks, easy was exactly what I was going for to get to grips with everything, I can always make things more difficult for myself if things get boring!
I've been growing about a year using the same method and I'm still not bored.

Sent from my comfy chair
I've been growing about a year using the same method and I'm still not bored.

Sent from my comfy chair

Probably shouldn't have said that anyways as yesterday I had a pretty crap event in which my 1 month old radial-flo 100 Inline fan inexplicably stopped working for what must have been about 12hrs-24hrs depending, I was out for the night.
Anyway it must have stopped working not long after I had watered, and because it had developed relatively dense foliage with the rise in temps and humidity, yellow leaf sephora had formed on some leaves. Didn't help the plant started showing flowering with multiple white pistals around the same time.

I pruned all infected in order to prevent spreading and I have had to put my other inline fan in my flowering tent along with my other plants which really isn't ideal. I increased air circulation in tent and have since seen marked improvement with the plant, I think I may have caught it early enough as the plant has recovered. however I plan to treat with a mild fungicide to prevent the spread as I won't be able to defoliate further without severely stunting growth, do you guys have any recommendations?

Pics of plant post defoliation and of critical cheese coming on strong after being topped! It responded so well to the early LST that right from the go it's been developing these two and the first leaves were simply hindering air flow at this point. Really like the form the plant is taking, petty pleased so far.

Also blueberry no. 2 still hasn't started producing leaves. Not sure if I should still bother but I will wait a little longer if you think I should.

However blueberry no. 3 has a great start


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They will recover blueberry no2 I would just give her few days but take pics with lights off if poss pal
Here's lots of pics with no LED so you guys can really see. My phone is a little messed up so I had to kind of do my best so sorry there's so many. My tablets low-light response is terrible
One of them show pistils if you look close.

Also seedling retakes.


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And here in critical cheese including showing the bend and topped area and the great new shape. Do you think it's time to start feeding her nutes? @Rollin_along @St. Tom


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great job pal i cant see any issues but always try keep it simple these bounce back from a lot of stress pal be-leave me i know