Indoor Mcdee's Wicked Pissah Grow!

I put the beans in a small glass of my baby/seed nutrient mix and poke them till they sink then put them directly in their home. Even premature white looking seeds pop for me this way. Not sure if it’s the Nutrients supplying whats missing, but its just how i was shown in the early 90s when i moved to Hydro and have continued. My daughter tries to tell me what happens when seeds pop but my eyes just glaze over…she has a degree and dad doesn't. Before then my mom (RIP) would use a wet napkin on the window sill but sometimes the root would get stuck and rip when removing them....sooo less stress is always better. 30 years later on my own, if I lose seeds its usually from experimentation with different nutrients / mediums / techniques…but I always go back to my roots. ;P
Sorry bud, been a little busy lately. I use a seedling mat under plastic containers with paper towel. I put in tent with heat lamp. But I have done cup of water then paper towel too.
My advice is keep it simple. Seeds know what to do. I just had one that didn't crack after 6 days so i cracked it myself ( i got impatient.) its going gang busters. Edit: It just happened to be a Wicked Cookie strain.
Got any new pics? We're here for the pics. :biggrin:
Yes was gonna put up tonight but can do now. Not much yet but feels like she is getti g ready to go.



Trying to keep her smaller if I can but she wants to explode. Trying to get others caught up to her, she has a week on some of the others in the tent. I can tell these are good genetics, nice big beans.
Looking good.
Thanks bud, trying to leave them be for now. Only going to lst the sides, supercropping and some ponytailing. Hard in the beginning to let them go I want to do something productive. Idle hands are the tools of the devil lol. I just got a new atomizer and mod so been playing with that, but I didnt know it didnt come with batteries lol. So cant use yet but feels like it will hit like a champ. Solid unit said was like hitting a rig for heavy users. Has 3 batteries so should last a while. I got to take outside just put up a zip line so I bet I'll be outside a lot this summer. This way I can dab even outside, just have to be careful when the man rolls through. My street is a short cut so everyone uses it even the fuzz lol.
