DIY maybe I'm paranoid

Ya always works. Unless one has his own brother etc and them you have more people than you bargained for near the groom all beating their chests and sniffing butts of the bigger ones....hug a chav is my outlook! better than hugging a big fucker in local nick because chavs can smell. Give them a hug, if they come back they liked it and probably ain't arse holes:):thumbup::D
I live in the country so don't have to deal with people like that. But just in case, I got my concealed carry permit in the mail the other day. So if I run into a situation like that, I'll just give them a peak at Mr. Rossi 38 special. :smoke:
I live in the country so don't have to deal with people like that. But just in case, I got my concealed carry permit in the mail the other day. So if I run into a situation like that, I'll just give them a peak at Mr. Rossi 38 special. :smoke:

Haha I'm soo glad I'm a Britt! I would be one dead American:screwy:
I didn't see the answer to this question:

"is it possible that my roof is acting like an amplifier and pushing the sound out of the eves ? I nearly pulled the plug last night 6 weeks in"

I too wonder if that could happen. Seems possible to me. And cities in the U.S. have all kinds of noises leaking out from them, the byproduct of our technology, but I'm growing used to it. I get interstate motorway noise the worst, especially when the wind blows my way. And there's always the water pumps and sewage pumps, and the a.c. and such.

I had to deal with the US variant of 'chavs', the 'thugs'. My son ran is mouth and these three thugs show up one evening, shouting aloud "I smell weed here" over and over as they came on my property, right up my driveway. I confronted them but backed off and tried instead yelling for my neighbor, who didn't appear. I backed into the house. I saw them looking in thru windows. Maybe they had to keep moving that evening or some other reason, but they went around the back and kept going. A few nights later however they returned and broke into my rear room, which had become a filled storage room very quickly, but was a grow about 6 months earlier. I assumed the word was 'out there' once my son had said something, these characters were just getting the news. They threw some rocks thru my windows and left, fortunately to not return so far. They looked to be somewhere in the 13-17 year old range.
Well I went out for a smoke tonight and I can still hear the fan noise ... but my fan is switched off as my grow is finished and I swear I can smell fresh linen ona gel in my garden. I scan my neighbours houses and notice some ducting just peeping out of the bedroom window of a house 3 doors down :o
I live in the uk in the south and the chavs round here think they are something they are not they act all hard like they are gangsters but come on really this is the south dont get me wrong you do get people that can handle them selfs but they keep them selfs to them self and keep a low profile. And as for the noise problem i was paraniod as fuk cos of the noise so i made a box around the fan and filled it with broken up polystyrene or u could go one better and use expanding foam it reduces the sound quite alot i live in an upstairs flat in a block of four and had no problems cos of the noise.:bong: