DIY maybe I'm paranoid

Dont worry about it it will be fine, if anyone asks you are you growing you could always say your doing it at a mates house...
or if any one askes you could cock your head side ways and say ya what the fuck is that.........
ok im clueless whats chavs.......
I also have no idea, must be a country specific slang term.:confused:
Originally Posted by milk
If you have not told all your friends your growing then you shouldnt have to worry about the door being kicked in , i used to live in the uk and many of people i know got their crops stolen by chavs
I hate CHAVS :finger::finger::finger: :cuss::cuss:
extrapolate from the context.... chavs = rippers / ass holes...

my bad....

nonetheless... stealing someone's meds is a-hole ripper shit... lol
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Yeah Chavs will steal anything not chained down ... I own a few expensive bikes and have had to spend lots of money on security just to keep them safe, you get chavs hanging around the Carpark at our local trails looking for expensive bikes to steal, they spot somebody on a 5 grand bike and follow them home to find out where they live so they can steal the bike after dark.

Here is some pics of chavs for all those who are not aware of the term chav"
scum bags
One was cheeky to me the other week didnt expect me to smash him against a wall and his mates did a runner
I have a "friend" that has a similar worry. His groom backs onto a car park and stinks lol. Keep on MC duff
there was a group of these outside a place my brother lived once... they used to hang around the parking,lot harassing old ladies and general nuisance...
my brother cleaned their asses out...
"I see you on this corner again, and I'm gonna break you in two, one by one.... got it?"

:crying: they scatter like frikin ants!