Indoor Maybe I was expecting too much... anyway, onward and forward!

On the home stretch, although they should already be drying or even jarred and curing by now...
On the home stretch, although they should already be drying or even jarred and curing by now...

i had to look back to start and count the days, Oct 4 all 4 had popped, so 80 days in total, and still not finished... I am going to very lucky if i get anything more than experience from this grow, I mean I will get some bud, but it would have been easier to walk down to the coffee shop and buy 100 grams and cost as much as this grow in total.
anyway, lessons cost, time, energy and funds no matter what the subject, so onward and forward.

In order.
Front view, left over lower buds Forbidden Runtz, rear FR, Rear Gorilla Cookies, some close ups.
Forgive my Nokia phone cam and my poor eye for photos :baked:


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Hope you all have a good Christmas!! :baked:

some flash pics to show off the girls and their shiny bits.

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fast dry, small, airy buds, sadly disappointing...
fast dry, airy buds, sadly disappointed...
sitting in the rafters these buds dried way too fast with the strong ventilation and the heat from the lamp, and are low weight, airy and not really something to write home about.

63grms is sad, the buds are light, airy BUT as a saving grace they are sticky as hell and smell great, however sad I am, they will add to the stash, which goes back to 2022 photo grows. they probably will lose another 10% or so as they dry down to proper storage %....

I need another 25grms or so to cover costs +/-, comparing to the lowest priced weed in the local coffee shop,

So I am hoping for better things from the last forbidden Runtz and the Gorilla cookies that are still in flower, it will not be a total waste, I learned a lot ( I think) .

in order,

2jars 63grms total, added to the stash

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My first couple runs with autos I did a ton of training (was used to manifolding my plants). Yields were lower, and the plant structure (down so close to the soil) wanted to give me rH issues. Been running autos now for several years, and found if I put them in the pot I’m going to grow it in, top at the 4th or 5th node and spread them out & then leave them alone, I’ll usually see somewhere between 4 & 6 ounces a plant.

As to the drying… we’ve all been there. My first grow smelled like fish fertilizer, and would crumble when touched…

I still smoked it.
fast dry, airy buds, sadly disappointed...
sitting in the rafters these buds dried way too fast with the strong ventilation and the heat from the lamp, and are low weight, airy and not really something to write home about.

63grms is sad, the buds are light, airy BUT as a saving grace they are sticky as hell and smell great, however sad I am, they will add to the stash, which goes back to 2022 photo grows. they probably will lose another 10% or so as they dry down to proper storage %....

I need another 25grms or so to cover costs +/-, comparing to the lowest priced weed in the local coffee shop,

So I am hoping for better things from the last forbidden Runtz and the Gorilla cookies that are still in flower, it will not be a total waste, I learned a lot ( I think) .

in order,

2jars 63grms total, added to the stash

View attachment 1655187 View attachment 1655188
Get a SCROG going if you can, you'll see yields increase for the space you have. I think in terms of grams per watt it can't be beaten
Get a SCROG going if you can, you'll see yields increase for the space you have. I think in terms of grams per watt it can't be beaten
I was planning a scrog, however the 3 "42fastbuds Forbidden runtz" were 3 totally different plants in, growth, flowering times both start and finish, and structure, it made it almost impossible for me to bring them under control.... such is life, I am not a perfectionist so eventually just let them all do their thing,

The last FR and the GC from "private label" are much more similar and trained quite well, ah its all fun and games and a learning curve, I have 3 GC left, and I will probably pick up another 5 GC from Dutch-head-shop to see if I can get a more controlled and profitable run in the early new year.

so long as the electricity price doesnt go up through the roof.

I think in terms of total cost divided by grms.... and compare that to local coffee shop prices.
humidity in the jars isnt too bad...
A couple of days forward and the humidity isnt too bad... should be ok to store for a while.

temps will drop to around 16c in the storage space. they do smell rather good, especially for a fast dry and light airy buds. I will also eventually put both jars into 1 just to save space.

these pics are the jars standing and warm-ish

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these 2 shots are after a burp, cooler temps and laid on their sides.

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a couple more burps and it should be right in the range for long term storage.

i did order a ph meter a while back, took a month to arrive, without batteries, :baked:
I have been using litmus sticks to be "in the range" I feel they are ok for purpose, but have been trying to clarify my errors through this grow so not to repeat them in the next. which led to concerns on the Water/feed mix ph values, mainly because my home water source has really gone down hill this year, with the (water company quality profile) in the 7.5-9.5 ph range
I was quite happy to find that the distilled water and the calibration solutions gave the same readings with the ph meter as the litmus sticks..

Takes away the thought that water ph may have been an issue and I wasn't reading the litmus sticks correctly or they were just not precise enough.

So here we are coming to the end of this learning curve, and I have boiled it down to:

The soil mix not having enough perlite and been a little heavy/cloggy,
Over feeding "nitrogen toxicity" although may have occurred only toward the end
cold temps ( at the start of this grow it became really cold)
inconsistent/poor genetics (especially for the 42fastbuds Forbidden Runtz)

anyway... blah blah...
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And bang, just like that its midweek.... the search for ambers is on.
The search for those illusive ambers is on!

The home stretch is in full swing 80something days in and the waiting is getting a bit tedious.

New flowers are few and far between, all the pistils are turning or have turned, patience is a virtue... they say.

anyways, some pics.

in order, the view, Forbidden Runtz, left over lower buds of FR, Gorilla Cookies.

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some trich shots, the search for ambers!

I really like the look of the final version of the Gorilla Cookies from 'Dutch-head-shop Private Label" I think I will pick up another 5, to add to the 3 beans i still have and do a run of just Gorilla Cookies.
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Chopped the leftover FR bottom buds, larfy but very sticky.
Chopped the leftover FR bottom buds, larfy but very sticky, now drying in the rafters of the tent.
Have put the harvested two jars together in a single pot, rh is 58% @ 16C , I am quite surprised at the good aromas considering it was an extremely fast dry in the rafters of the tent. No hay stink at all.

While checking my ph of the tap water, today +/- 25C, my meter measured 7.95 for the tap water,
To bring this down I add 1ml of "schoonmaak azijn - White cleaning vinegar" to 1.5 liters of tap water and I am down to ph 6.5.
The cleaning vinegar is 7% Acetic acid.
Using cleaning vinegar is my go too method for controlling ph levels ( it is afterall just acetic acid and distilled water) and its always there and is very inexpensive. ( I know, I am such a cheap skate)

I have been testing by using litmus sticks to be approx "in the range" after adding nutes etc, and then add +/- 1ml vinegar per 1.5ltrs, to bring it down about 1.5 points to be "in the range" because I know this is about right from past experience with meters.

The meter simply makes this more accurate, although it is more messing around,
1, test the probe in distilled water 6.9
2, test the tap water, today 7.95
3, clean the probe with distilled water,
4, mix the vinegar and tap water and/or nutes and additives mix.
5, check with the probe
6, clean the probe with distilled water and dry.
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Weekend again and probably the last one for these two.
the FR and GC are slowly coming to an end, still producing the odd flowers here and there, but almost there, Trichs are milky throughout the plant, but those illusive amber's and not popping as expected.... Soooooooon.

anyway, here are some pics at 5;30AM

in order:
the view, GC, GC, FR, GC bud x2, FR bud x2, GC, FR, ( artistically blurry hahahahahah) top shot GC and FR

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the tiny FR in the small pot is the one I attempted to turn male with colloidal silver, ( no I will not smoke it) just watching to see what it does as a plant, and what will happen when the lights go out, etc.

Anyways, hope you have a good day,

I felt guilty about the "artistic blurry shot"


and the 63grms of Forbidden Runtz seems to be holding +/- 60% rH in the general 16-17C range, so I am quite happy about the fast dry. :baked:

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