Indoor Maybe I was expecting too much... anyway, onward and forward!

Here we go again. 4x Gorilla cookies from Dutch-headshop- private label.
Yup, gonna give these another go.

mix is, some light mix I had left over from the last grow, some premix compost (very heavy needs perlite) perlite and activated carbon mixed.

1 seed doesnt look that good, see photo, it does not look viable but....

After mixing and bucketing, i soaked 4 pads in a little Root Juice mix, placed one seed on each approx 1cm from the top, folded over and set in the center of each bucket just so the top of the pad level with the soil.

just gotta sit back, wait and hope now, you know how it goes.
pics in order:
measured, mixed, in the tent all ready, that not so good looking seed.

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I also printed out some stake to hold my drippers more secure and some Lst/supercroppers.

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New grow startup cost
€ 22.00​
€ 4.95​
1 10ltr pack perlite​
€ 7.95​
€ 12.95​
€ 5.95​
sub total
€ 53.80
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4 days later....
its been cold, and the soil was cold when I started, even though I had brought it inside due to -6C out on the balcony.

Anyway i was expecting a slow start due to the chill, and slow it is, i have no issue with that so long all 4 pop soon.
The first popper has arrived and its an oddball, should I expect more or less???

in order:
hello.... Oh whats that? never seen that happen before???
Its a side shoot popping right out of the stem below the original Cotyledon. twins maybe??? conjoined twins??

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Pop! poppity, pop, pop, call this day 1.
All 4 seeds have popped "actually last night, all within 24hrs, so thats a good start,
Tent is maintaining a fairly constant 21-23C,
Lights are running 4 cob's at 60watts total 24/7 to maintain the temps, Dli is around 20.

The small flowering plant down on the floor in the middle, is from the last grow, I sprayed it with CS, but it failed to flip to male, it has been sitting on the indoor windowsill through the cold spell since the last grow ended with almost no direct sunlight for the last month, but its still alive, who wudda guessed, gotta admire it's tenacity.
I may try to STS her (if she survives) but its interesting just to see how she gets along.... deffo not for smoking :baked:

pics in order:

the view, 3 new poppers and the mutant.

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Have a good day.

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7 days, time walks on by...
As is the way, not a great deal going on after the first 7 days.... i did give them a watering with some root juice..... apart from that, well, you know, just leave them alone and let them get on with it.
lights are at 24/7, 60w total for 4 cobs, dli around 20, temps are quite stable 20-23C.

in order:
the door view, fr, fl, rl, rr, the failed CS from the last grow.

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As is the way, not a great deal going on after the first 7 days.... i did give them a watering with some root juice..... apart from that, well, you know, just leave them alone and let them get on with it.
lights are at 24/7, 60w total for 4 cobs, dli around 20, temps are quite stable 20-23C.

in order:
the door view, fr, fl, rl, rr, the failed CS from the last grow.

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I know you’re trying bro, but there’s something off. I’m guessing the soil is bad. They should look nice and green and plush and you can already see yellowing. They won’t turn out good if you continue in the same pattern.

Not at all trying to be critical bro, just trying to help you out. Get some new soil and start over. The soil can be toxic sometimes…I had a few bags that nearly killed my plants too. Damn manufactures don’t have a standard.
I know you’re trying bro, but there’s something off. I’m guessing the soil is bad. They should look nice and green and plush and you can already see yellowing. They won’t turn out good if you continue in the same pattern.

Not at all trying to be critical bro, just trying to help you out. Get some new soil and start over. The soil can be toxic sometimes…I had a few bags that nearly killed my plants too. Damn manufactures don’t have a standard.
Could be.... it was sitting on the balcony for a few months, could also be the cobs are a little strong even at minimum output @ 30cm and 24/7 for seedlings... i shall see how they run through the next week or two. maybe.... maybe.... i did just lift the lamp 5cm jic,

I am for the 1st time looking at DLI, (usually I am only concerned about having and equal PPFD across the canopy) DLI seems more important for Auto's than Photo's from what I am reading, anyway, I am taking note from this chart as a guide. 12 & 16 seem a little low to me so I am running at around 20 at the moment, (I also do not want to induce too much stretch on the seedlings) which could be responsible for the slight yellowing...
I dont know if its perfect for this strain, but we will see how it goes. charts are afterall only a general guide and one has to dail in for the particular situation, lights and strain.

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seedlings, waiting, waiting, waiting, magyver time...
You know how it is when the seedlings are kinda getting to know what their job is and not a lot is happening or requires attention.

So I grabbed a dirt cheap Chinese xh-w3001-AC thermal switch for 2.96 Euro's inc delivery off of aliexpress and wired it into my 2 speed extraction fan... cut a hole in the wiring box and bingo, works like a charm, just as it says on the box.

Ugly as sin, but hey, the fan is getting quite old so why not give it an upgrade.

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14 days, the white seed seems to be crawling, the others are all so varied.
I now understand why the guys here create their own seeds and seem to plant more than they need/grow, the genetics in Auto's (so far for me) are so varied that there is no common growth pattern... of course it could be me, my soil mix, my lights....who knows.

Anyway, slowly moving along, 14 days, one week later.

in Order,
The white seed, the slow one, the trying one and the only one that looks ok. oh and the one from the last grow, looks kinda wierd but interesting that its still going.after about 19-20 weeks

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goddamn, realised I forgot to give them a drink..
goddamn, realised I forgot to give them a drink.. its been a week, I just totally forgot, must be getting old.....

top 5-6 cm were bone dry, anyways, gave them a drink with some root juice, I can only hope that the dry spell has forced them into deep rooting, which should pay dividends through the early growth. if not, well... might as well drop in some Photo's and see if I remember how they work.

So I dropped another seed into the "pathetic starter" pot, it will be 16-18 days behind, but hey... if your are gonna have fun might as well have more fun.
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I know you’re trying bro, but there’s something off. I’m guessing the soil is bad. They should look nice and green and plush and you can already see yellowing. They won’t turn out good if you continue in the same pattern.

Not at all trying to be critical bro, just trying to help you out. Get some new soil and start over. The soil can be toxic sometimes…I had a few bags that nearly killed my plants too. Damn manufactures don’t have a standard.
Seems you were right about the soil...

The problem being ( i believe) that i added 20ltrs of garden soil specific for flowering garden plants that had been sitting on balcony for almost a year, this stuff has small green balls of fertilizer that slow release over six months or so, (figured it would still be ok at the time of mixing) they are of course dumping everything into the soil as soon as I water now, as soon as they get wet they just pop all at once rather than slow release.
Stupid is what stupid does I guess.

Looks like i am gonna be carrying some more soil up 4 flights and starting again.......:eek2:

Yeah, I think i see what happens over the next week, then start a photo run if I am just wasting electricity on these. the dead one is deffo finished. I am just feeling too old this week for carrying soil.

In order:
one of the balls open and released, another I found right by the dead&dying, 1 I picked out to see better

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