Indoor Maybe I was expecting too much... anyway, onward and forward!

And then there are those pesky Autos from the 1st week january.
long live the long lived auto's...
january 3rd till today aprox 20 weeks... gotta smile at that i guess.
Trichs are still clear for the most part, certainly no ambers... cannot see any seeds forming on the 2 females or any pollen dropping from the STS male, could be age related, i mean, at my age I am not as dropping as much pollen as I did in my youth either.... :baked:

pics in no particular order.

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another week, and things are about done...
I think maybe another week or two to get mostly cloudy with enough ambers to be happy....

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The Pesky auto's out back have suffered from more rain and cooler temps, very cool for June... and so much rain one might think its "El Nino" season on full attack mode. will post some pics later.
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another week and the geriatric autos are still hobbling along.
Nothing looking like seeds, there are still a couple of pistils popping up, so I still have a little hope..... but not much.
I give the STS male a flick now and then to release any pollen....but you know, in reality these plants are 5 months plus old, normally they would be harvested at 9-10 weeks, go figure eh.

some pics.
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They are hidden quite well from the neighbours, but ya cant hide the aroma when the sun shines on 'em... which isnt often this year.
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Sunday, Sunday, waiting for those elusive Ambers to start...
Another week floats by, pistil production has slowed, the buds look nice, small but nice, for what they are.
I expect another week to 10 days and it will be chopping time........ or maybe 2-3-4 who knows....:baked:anyways...

some pics from the indoor photo's, Blonde Russian ladies.
4x flash shots, then the rest.


you all know how it is... Oh lord give me patience., and hurry up about it!!
Aaand that was that! chop chop chop
Over the last week, almost no new pistils, a little fox tailing and a few ambers, not many but enough...

The minimal flowering does not justify the continued use of electricity, so I made the decision and acted on it.
Totally forgot to take pretty pics though.... Action man strikes again.

This is the last grow for this year, maybe even the next, cos I have more than required stashed and these few grams will just add to the stash.

While the plants and buds are small they feel ok, not great but ok, maybe a 3.6, and the trich count seems pretty good for photo's.

If I am lucky it will be reasonably cost effective, but one never knows until its all dried out, trimmed and weighed... I will leave them be for 10 days or so, hopefully there is enough airflow for them to dry without rot.

The Geriatric autos are still out on the balcony, the male looks like he has given up, the two females may have a couple of seeds forming... maybe not.... patience is the only thing required at the moment.

I think I learned a bit with the last couple of grows, especially on the STS, hot soil, the effects of COLD, COLD, COLD so its not a total loss, it would be nice to get some seeds from the Gorilla cookies, even a half dozen would make me smile. and I think I would enjoy growing them and making more seeds, but what will be, will be, never thought I would smile at getting seeds in a grow :baked: Now I find myself hoping for some lol.

Anyways some pics:


long live the long lived auto's...
january 3rd till today aprox 20 weeks... gotta smile at that i guess.
Trichs are still clear for the most part, certainly no ambers... cannot see any seeds forming on the 2 females or any pollen dropping from the STS male, could be age related, i mean, at my age I am not as dropping as much pollen as I did in my youth either.... :baked:

pics in no particular order.

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Yeah, not seeing any pollen off my reversed MP but still hopeful. Got the non reversed lil pot right next to it on the porch and have smacker her a few times with the reversed. We will just have to wait.
Yeah, not seeing any pollen off my reversed MP but still hopeful. Got the non reversed lil pot right next to it on the porch and have smacker her a few times with the reversed. We will just have to wait.
Patience is a virtue and practice makes perfect as they say... hope it works out.
rain, rain, rain, rain for the next week at least...
Tjah, more rain forecast, its been constant so I will give it that. It's Great for the trees and outside plants, grass and even some crops... but a real party pooper for the balcony geriatric Auto's, especially the male, if he was making pollen the daily rains would have rendered it useless over the last month.
So I brought them inside, threw them in the tent, put up the starter lamp and set it to offer up around 35-40 dli over 24 hours, (according to light meter and ppfd app) the lamp is 2x CLU048-1212 5700k, using and old mars-hydro driver @ about 25watts per cob, 50watts total. not much, but better than rain and I dont think they are worthwhile to hit them with 200watts of 3000k.

I am hoping that they dry out a little, create a few seeds and give me something to work with when I decide to start another grow... or I will have to buy seeds once more........ ho bloody hum, its very late of course, being 160 or so days in, they may already have some seeds growing, but who knows, I think they are way too old to push out any seeds or pollen before they drop off the cliff, but if they already have some forming they might make it.

Anyways, the 4x blond russian ladies are happily drying away and smelling really nice, but, it will be a loss after all expenses are totaled, i guess we need a bad year now and again to look at things a different way next time.
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