Grow Room Maria's Micro Meds: CBD strains from Dutch Passion, Sweet & Dinafem

Have been wondering what to do about my Sweet Pure girl.
She's the tallest in the tent, now, single solid strong stem, very little branching.
And no flowers either............ just one calyx with two pistils to date.....

So, I just trimmed a couple of leaves off one side of her,
then LST tied her in the other direction, exposing the now open side.

Think I'll leave her like this for a little while, then super-crop her the other way.

Space is now at a premium value in this little grow area.....
Thanks. Though there are plenty of awesome micro grows here.
I love @Smorf's in particular, in little computer cases.
You going to be doing micro, too?
nah , I have space dosnt really make sense in my case as 10 little plants is a bigger fine than 2 big ones


Got the law doing my gardening work................