btw can't believe i forgot this but was slightly distracted
biobizz is derrived from beet extract and mollasses wouldn't really advise giving extra sugar to soil so close to flush the micro herd would have already benefitted from the "sugar" provided from mix and would grow from this and plant would have raised the brix levels already w/ this mix.
but if you give them "food" to use in the soil at the end of the plants life you are defeating the purpose of the micro herd
if they have enough to exchange in the soil they will do less work exchanging w/ the plant drawing the sugars and aiding in a stronger finish starve them as well at this point giving more "sugar" to increase the size of the herd(or increase brix level from mollasses when there is plenty of "sugar" in biobizz...thnks rebel for the mis) is really a moot point now your debating flush
heck most flush so much they damage the herd anyway if not most kill it totally already from very high phosphorus levels but at the end the higher p is a final push as well
this is an overview but sorta a dif post eventhough it still applies
biobizz is derrived from beet extract and mollasses wouldn't really advise giving extra sugar to soil so close to flush the micro herd would have already benefitted from the "sugar" provided from mix and would grow from this and plant would have raised the brix levels already w/ this mix.
but if you give them "food" to use in the soil at the end of the plants life you are defeating the purpose of the micro herd
if they have enough to exchange in the soil they will do less work exchanging w/ the plant drawing the sugars and aiding in a stronger finish starve them as well at this point giving more "sugar" to increase the size of the herd(or increase brix level from mollasses when there is plenty of "sugar" in biobizz...thnks rebel for the mis) is really a moot point now your debating flush
heck most flush so much they damage the herd anyway if not most kill it totally already from very high phosphorus levels but at the end the higher p is a final push as well
this is an overview but sorta a dif post eventhough it still applies
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