Extraction Magical Butter Machine

@Dudeski, I have a quick couple of questions:

1. I decarbbed my bud in the Ardent Lift. It came out toasty brown. I assume that’s what I’m looking for?

2. As a consequence of [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], my butter is also brown. Actually, it’s kind of puke brown. Normal?

3. I ran 4 sticks of butter through the MB2e and only got three sticks in the mold afterwards. Normal?

I’ll post some photos after I take it out of the molds


How long did you decarb? It usually turns brown. I use coconut butter instead of real butter, not sure how it would look. But yes, you lose some in the process, I've been upping the amount of coconut butter to try for 4 whole sticks. Have you tried it yet?
Just to give an update on my adventure (thanks for the unintentional reminder @Nosias):

I used 4 sticks of unsalted butter and 14 grams of some Blueberry Auto bud. It made 3 sticks of canna butter. I have no photos because after I unmolded (demolded? whatever - took out of the molds) the butter, I made some chocolate chip cookies. I used one stick of butter and one stick of my fresh canna butter. It made two dozen cookies.

Now, I went to law school because math is not my strong suit. Only after the fact did I calculate the THC content of each cookie.i figure that at the absolute most, each cookie could only have 38 to 39g THC.

I ate half of a cookie and didn’t feel anything after 75 minutes or so. So I ate the other half. The rest of the night was a blur. I was still high the following morning. I was still high at work all the next day. I was still high when I went to bed the next night. I was higher than a kite for two full days.

Sorry fellas. No photos.