Extraction Magical Butter Machine

I found that out my last run. I put the sludge in a brownie mix, they were strong but had a heavy weed taste.

I own 2 MBMs, but rarely use them anymore.
Tincture can be made in jars with frequent shaking, or in beakers with magnetic stirrers.
Edibles can be made by mixing decarbed herb powder into the oil of any short-bake recipe.
But whole herb does bother some people.
My max strength is with coconut oil. Makes about an equivalent to a 20mg edible from a dispensary.

Thank you for posting a EC tincture run, it will help all of us after you. Where your measurements aligned with the recipe in the MB book?

I ate a decarbed bud once, it was certainly a trip! One helluva buzz. No need to eat edibles if you can stomach a decarbed bud

Thank you. I did follow the recipe in the book as far as measurments. I could eat them with white chocolate pour over the little buds. UHMMMMM
maybe that is what you can do with the "pop corn buds" UHMMMMMM Now if I could say how much is enough. UHMMMMM
My max strength is with coconut oil. Makes about an equivalent to a 20mg edible from a dispensary.

Thank you for posting a EC tincture run, it will help all of us after you. Where your measurements aligned with the recipe in the MB book?

I ate a decarbed bud once, it was certainly a trip! One helluva buzz. No need to eat edibles if you can stomach a decarbed bud
... and you use an oz of bud per cup?
2 cups with 28 g. Their recipies is 7 to 14 g per cup. I went over about 5 g this last run and it's strong. And yes I only use bud. But I try to use more sativa than Indica
I have had my MBM for about 2 weeks. This will be a short journal off what I did and how things worked out for my tincture.
Just a note to all.
MBM says they will not warrant any MBM that is bought on Amazon or Ebay. I believe these are knock offs and are the reason for some to feel the product is not as good as it has been. So I bought direct from MBM

Here is what I got. The MBM, Silicone glove and a filter. All was heavy duty and felt solid and well made.
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I took 18 grs of my Colorado Cookies from Dutch Passion. I did not break it up. I just baked it as is.
I used a turkey bag and put the bud in there and then set the bag in a oven plate.
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I followed @pop22 advise on how he de-carbs his bud Quote "... I've found that you get a better decarb, if you dry the weed in the oven first. Low temps won't affect the decarb. I dry @ 180F for 15 minutes, remove the material from the oven, raise the oven temp to 250F then do the decarb run. It may actually be better to run a minute or two longer than 27 minutes, rather than less." Here is what it looked like after the de-carb.
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I then placed the buds in the MBM. I did not break up the buds.
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I am using Everclear 190 proof for this run. I used 2 cups. You are to cover the buds and the 2 cups is MINIMUM you can use per MBM.
NOTE this is not for drinking straight. DO NOT TRY IT Stoners. Do NOT !!!
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I did not want to take any chances so I put the MBM out in the garage and plugged it in. There are only 2 choices you need to make. Temp and time. That's it, very simple. I ran my run at 130F for 1 hour, again per info from Pop22.
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After you enter the time the MBM starts. There is a circle on the top that has fashing leds. This tells you that the MBM is working. Wait for the lights to turn off before you try to remove the top
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When it has run the time you set you pour the contents into the filter. The filter is heavy duty and will last a long time. So now pour the contents in the filter into a glass container.
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Here is the green dragon in the glass measurement cup.
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I am using a syringe as my measuring devise so I know how much I am consuming.
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Ok so how was it????? Well I wanted the tincture to be a 3-5 drop sublingual intake. I did not want it to be digested and pass through the stomach. I took 1 0.1 ml under my tongue. I felt little a rush but not much. So I took 3 more under the tongue. Ouch the burn was more than I was willing to put up with. I did not feel much effect. Tho it was quick and there was no 2 hour wait and feel.

Then I tried 1.0 ml in some water. After 2.5 hours ,NOTHING. Then I took 2.0 ml. 2 hours and I had a slight buzz. Not what I was looking for.

I figured I did something wrong. Perhaps I did the decarb wrong or did not use enough bud.
Oh you know how you question yourself and say it was all my fault. Well I would try something different the next day.

I thought an oz/28 grams would be best. So I took 10 more grams of bud and decarbed it. I then ate a very small bud to see if I had done the decarb correct.
Well in 2 hours that bud and only that bud kicked my ass and I was very near OD. So the buds were decarbed correctly.

I had to wait a few daze before I had courage to continue. I took the 10 grams and put it in the MBM. This time I used the green dragon I had and used that for the everclear plus some everclear to fill it to the 2 cup mark. I ran this for 4 hours.

I am happy to say that 1.0 ml of the combined mix gave me a good little buzz. I will now try the 2.0 ml of it.

I keep hearing @Dudeski say, "...I use it full strength.." So I am only using 1/2 of the bud he is using. Live learn and try not to kill your self our our plants.

Hope you found this worth the long read.

From the experiments that my friend and I performed, grinding it up makes a big difference. It takes less alcohol to cover the weed, so you can start with a stronger solution in the first place, plus you seem to get more out of the buds if they are ground up. You may want to try that see if it makes a difference for you. It does make it taste a bit more like dank buds, as long as you don't mind that

With this latest batch we are using about 2ml for a standard dose (each trial uses 7g of bud and 75ml of alcohol). My friend is not a daily smoker and that is good for him, and I can feel it. We tried 3ml and we were all giggling like school girls so that is too much for a week night lol. We also had a breakthrough when we discovered that the tincture pairs really well with hard cider. It may have even made it slightly better with the tincture, which are some strong words. We've been fighting trying to get it into beer maybe we just need to try some other beverages. Next up is wine I think....

Saw your hemp beer logo, bet that could take a tincture nicely!

2 cups with 28 g. Their recipies is 7 to 14 g per cup. I went over about 5 g this last run and it's strong. And yes I only use bud. But I try to use more sativa than Indica

OK 28 g per two cups of ec. All I have is Indica right now.
The MBM "requires" the liquid be up to the 2 cup level and the say it is best not to break up buds. There is a "mixer" on the lid of the MBM that will break down the buds. So your procedure may work best with the bud ground up. I tried to double boil the green dragon to burn off the Everclear. well it worked until the jar slide down and dumped all of its content into the almost boiling water. This was one of my experiments/fuck ups. :nono:

The main issue I feel is the fact that the trichomes are not suspended evenly in the liquid green dragon. So I am not sure if my dose is always the same.

Can Lecithin be used in an attempt to evenly suspend the trichomes?

From the experiments that my friend and I performed, grinding it up makes a big difference. It takes less alcohol to cover the weed, so you can start with a stronger solution in the first place, plus you seem to get more out of the buds if they are ground up. You may want to try that see if it makes a difference for you. It does make it taste a bit more like dank buds, as long as you don't mind that

With this latest batch we are using about 2ml for a standard dose (each trial uses 7g of bud and 75ml of alcohol). My friend is not a daily smoker and that is good for him, and I can feel it. We tried 3ml and we were all giggling like school girls so that is too much for a week night lol. We also had a breakthrough when we discovered that the tincture pairs really well with hard cider. It may have even made it slightly better with the tincture, which are some strong words. We've been fighting trying to get it into beer maybe we just need to try some other beverages. Next up is wine I think....

Saw your hemp beer logo, bet that could take a tincture nicely!

The MBM "requires" the liquid be up to the 2 cup level and the say it is best not to break up buds. There is a "mixer" on the lid of the MBM that will break down the buds. So your procedure may work best with the bud ground up. I tried to double boil the green dragon to burn off the Everclear. well it worked until the jar slide down and dumped all of its content into the almost boiling water. This was one of my experiments/fuck ups. :nono:

The main issue I feel is the fact that the trichomes are not suspended evenly in the liquid green dragon. So I am not sure if my dose is always the same.

Can Lecithin be used in an attempt to evenly suspend the trichomes?

Yeah I read in other places that it is better not to grind, because theoretically the trichomes are on the outside of the buds, but in our tests the tincture was just way more potent when we ground them. :shrug:

Did you boil this down and now it is a bit gloppy? My friend made one that was boiled down and it started to come out of suspension, that was hard to work with like you said you didn't know what you are getting, plus it was so strong that a dose was 0.4ml!!!

Don't know about the Lecithin, that's not an ingredient I've worked with before.
Yeah I read in other places that it is better not to grind, because theoretically the trichomes are on the outside of the buds, but in our tests the tincture was just way more potent when we ground them. :shrug:

Did you boil this down and now it is a bit gloppy? My friend made one that was boiled down and it started to come out of suspension, that was hard to work with like you said you didn't know what you are getting, plus it was so strong that a dose was 0.4ml!!!

Don't know about the Lecithin, that's not an ingredient I've worked with before.

You are using 0.93 g of bud for every ML of EverClear. So for my required 2 cups of EC I would need to have 44 g of Bud. Uhmmm ...
The MBM says we need two cups ... or "filled to the 2 cup line". That is a potent mix, me thinks.
Well I came out with 300ml of liquid green dragon on this run, which is 0.93. So I was at your "mark" and until now I did not realized that we had the same "mix ratios".

I tried to boil this down as I also got a good buzz with 2ml of the GD, Green Dragon. with 2.75 ml of the GD it was a bit too heavy. Well I did boil it and then the small jar with the GD fell over into the bigger almost boiling pot. So I thew this all away. :face:
I want that 0.4ml of GD to kick me and I want it to be bearable under my tongue. I want sublingual application. So I will try to make some GD this week and get it down to 150 ml of EC. That will make it 1.86 of bud to liquid. I have been told by @Root to add some honey to "cut" the taste of the EC.

Hope this makes sense to you out there. I'll let you know :chef: