Indoor Magic Prototypes

Since there were only 5 total, I didn' wasn't part of my selection process
so I forgot to track it.

My bad....:(
Oh it's all good.:pass:
I put 6 of the BOxBJ beans into rooters and didn't check.:doh:
Damn selective memory.
It was my forgetting that reminded me.:thumbsup:
Looking awesome ronin. Thanks for the update trap :pass:I made sure to check ends when I packaged the reg seeds, I try to send everybody at least 2 of "what looked" to be females but only time will tell if everyone gets their 2 fems.
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5 beans...5 kids :)
(I peeked in the hole of the late bloomer, she's busted out of her husk and moving up)


So far so good...C'mon girlie power!

They now have a foot bath of bubbled Primo and are in the tent with the big girls...
No need to fire up the starter tent just yet.
Wow! Those are pretty, and I am WAY behind!



4 Black Diesels final-potted in 2 gal. equiv. airpots with my first batch ever of 707 :)

I hope this goes well because I LOVE my first impressions on this soil. SOOO fluffy :)
I hope that equates to rapid and unfettered root mass expansion.

The 5th kid hasn't popped yet so I'm keeping it humid.

That's FLO#5 finishing up on the left.

Finally after it, guys...sorry for the delay :)

Trapper of Cardiff