Indoor Magic Prototypes

I checked the garden today and I had 1 leaning over on its side! It got some sort of stem rot at the base of the rooter cube and is now dead. I didnt see a problem yesterday and even turned the plant after watering. ??? Never had that happen before! Good news, all are stretching and going to have some great node spacing to get some good light penetration.
Have any of you experienced stem rot before?
Only with my clones briman... That was caused by over watering in my case... Keeping it too wet constantly...

Magic yes they are strong and sturdy. I stretched them a bit but that was my doing. Sometimes I like the stretch... The opals are getting fat fast. The stoneberrys have that auto BB structure to me. Reminds me of the G13 ABB... Very dank and tight nuggs
No experience with stem rot yet, how often are you watering briman?

Good to hear rebel, I literally could kick my stoneberry pots and the plant would barley move.

Getting some good info from you guys thanks a lot for all you guys time.
every 2 days, sometimes 3 and only watering a liter per plant, or until I get some runoff. Pots are lite when I pick em up. they arent heavy at all. I am wondering if its not the rooter cube. I didnt completely submerge the cubes under the soil and they are essentially a sponge. I'm not sure.
Sorry to hear about that Bri.
I too have no experience with stem rot.
Although I do live in a high altitude desert.
So everything tends to dry out pretty fast.
This year is a bit different though...
I had to go and buy a dehumidifier recently.
How has your humidity been?:pass:
Good evening Magic:pass:
Just wanted to give you an update on Opal.

Day 39.

She stands 13"/33cm tall.

Lower branch training will begin tonight.:naughtystep:

I've cut back on the Nitrogen. She's been getting a bit of tip curl.

Flower development is well underway.

Her diet consists of the following:
1ml Grow/2ml Bloom/1ml Zyme/2ml Boost/.25ml Amp It per liter

She's enjoying the Blue Room so far Magic:cheers: