Indoor Magic Prototypes

Looking good brother ronin.the mom was thick and dense and a good yield. Had a thick trunk and bushy as hell. Love the over head shots fellas they look awesome! :clapper:
Day 25 update on my Stoneberry (B's) All are looking good and starting a little pre-flower and the stretch/groth should really blow up in the next few weeks. Going to raise the leds a bit to help induce that. Starting to throw off some great sweet canna smell to boot! On to some pics...

the 2 on the right are my gals, the STD's.(Stone Dragon X Tyrone Specials)for germ testing and genetic test
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Love em Ronin! Thanks a bunch! I have found out, with young plants, you can overwater them. I compacted the medium a little too hard in the pots, to make sure all the dimples were full. But we will see in the next few weeks. Yes, the roots are out the bottom and have been for a few weeks now. Should see some good growth in the next few weeks. :pass:
Very nice bro, Glad to hear they smell good, keep an eye out for the strong sour berry smell one of the best smells I've had come off a plant.:thumbsup: Careful tho it's addicting to keep rubbing the :eyebrows:
Wow they look amazing rebel! :d5: How would u say the SB-A and B compare in smell and tric coverage? Those opals look great really fattening up especially opal #2 and I like the look of the buds.

Ronin expect the same, nice buds and smell, I just hope they stay under 80days the mom went 90.
For your grow skill and time I :thanks:

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Thanks bro! Well to be honest. I'll have to wait... The stoneberry B is about ten days/2 weeks behind the As... The Bs are throwing a heavy berry smell right now. Opals are still very unique. The bloodhound said its too early to tell lol which means it will evolve, the smell... She can smell a change she said. If that makes sense lol
It does bro, I trust the misses she can smell changes in terps that's awesome . I wanted opal to be the most unique of the first strains why I named it opal because I think it will be the "jem"
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