New Grower Lucy's Very First Grow - Ak48 auto in soil LED

Foxtailing is the term! Just more new bud being formed. Means you are getting closer

Mmm Fox tailing is one of those terms could be both ways.. like my buddy says foxtailing is when your calyxes like stack thin and tall on top of each other uses it negatively.. And most others say it with more a endearing trait.. like it gets bushy and curves at the tip of tops like a foxtail
Mmm Fox tailing is one of those terms could be both ways.. like my buddy says foxtailing is when your calyxes like stack thin and tall on top of each other uses it negatively.. And most others say it with more a endearing trait.. like it gets bushy and curves at the tip of tops like a foxtail
It can be strain related, I had one do it, smokes the same.

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Also where you touched the bud can cause it to look like that part has matured, so remember where you touched so you don't think she is done lol

Sent from my comfy chair
It's day 74 and I am battling humidity big time, 3rd day of it. Last night I put in an air conditioner that had been stored for winter. It's helping because the house has an RH of 70 or so and outside it's like a dew point of 96% right now. Even with the AC running my grow room is going from 57-63 % RH. I had no trouble keeping humidity down for this whole grow. It was too low in veg with the AC on to keep the heat down for 2 months.

I can't imagine growing outside. I am indoors with both heat and AC at my disposal and still having trouble controlling the environment.

I thought I was home free on finishing these two girls since it couldn't be warm and humid during my November harvest window right? I mean it's November but may as well be March or April here

I had to cheer myself up with some more bud exploration :p

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Mmmmmmm! Nice and frosty. You are definitely about there. I’ve harvested plants at that stage. But definitely not long to go, depending on what you want. Earlier harvest is usually the more “uppety” type buzz, while later is more the “sedative “ kind of buzz. Not always, depending on strain, but a good general rule to follow. Congratulations, very nice job!