New Grower Lowryder 2 grow, from seed to smoke!

Most of the hate for autos came from people only trying the original lowryder which was far less potent and they never tried anything else lol

I stopped trying to check my trics as i'm half blind plus i've noticed with mine they barely amber up anyways,I just let mine go now for maybe 10 - 11 weeks then give them 2 or 3 drinks of strait water and call her done

Yep, Lowryder 2 are consistent, so you could go with just the number of weeks. Like clockwork, 9 weeks is clear with some cloudy..a day or two later mostly cloudy. A few days later, an amber or two shows up, and so on. They don't tend to ever get very amber, I've found. Easy grow, but so worth every minute.:thumbs:
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WooHoo!!! 7 and 8 weeks

Okay, Network! Are you having as much fun with this grow journal as I am?! This is a freakin' blast! :dance:So here we are at week 7 and 8. The buddiest one is 8 weeks. Take a look at The Freak. Even after breaking off the top 4 feet, she's really starting to give me some buds. I put her out of the light, cuz I didn't have the room, but she's a healthy lady, and she's getting sticky. See the tent pic. She's way in the back. Towering at least 2 and 1/2 times taller than the rest, even after I snapped off her top. My guess is that this seed tapped into the sativa, Santa Maria plant that was crossed with the lowryder to make lowryder 2. I'm thinking this based on the buds and the height. Who of you has grown sativa? My reading says they are taller, have skinny leaves, and the buds tend to be less dense. Looks like sativa to me (see skinny-leaf bud pic), other than the lower fan leaves are obviously indica. So perhaps it's the santa maria sativa plant coming through? :dance2:Also, look at the bushy plant. Much bigger than the other lowryder 2 plants, but still obviously lowryder 2. Anyway, lots of bud coming my way, yes? :DI scoped the oldest, and it's mostly clear, maybe a bit cloudy. I'm guessing one week, maybe two. Also my one plant I pollinated with berry rider is starting to form seeds. :booya:Some here questioned the 90W UFO's ability to grow buds, but I'm thinking they're doing well. If I would have had my PH right and fertilizer right and such, they'd look better. I'm not very experienced, but this looks good, yes?:drool:


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Might let them get a bit bigger next time :eek:

Might let them get a bit bigger next time :eek:

Last year I grew LR2 in one gallon pots. Plants 14 inches tall. Low yield, but that was probably because I never fed them for the whole grow, and never checked PH. Learning curve. This year I've got them in 3 and 5 gallon pots; trying to see if pot size makes a big difference. My smallest is 14 inches, tallest is 21 inches. Well, then there is The Freak. She's 38 inches after I broke off the top 3 or 4 feet. But she's just..well, she's a freak. Overall, the 5 gallon grows a bit bigger than the 3 gallon. One is quite a bush. Seems like smaller pots may finish a bit quicker. It will be interesting to see the yield differences.
Frosty as Al , looking dam fine mate :peace: :five:
pictures, 9 and 8 weeks.

Hey Buds!:group:
So here are several pictures of my lowryder 2 grow; one plant at 9 weeks, the other 5 plants at 8 weeks.

The two pics of the grow tent show how it's looking inside the tent. The plant in the far back inside is "The Freak." She's the one taller than the rest-- and the rest are on boxes!

The one with the lighter resting in the plant is the 9 week old.

The rest are 8 weeks old. I placed a lighter at the base of each plant so you can judge size.

How are my girls looking?


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Hi Al hows you mate , cant say much mate just , they look great buddie nice one and a lovely clean groom :slap: well deserved Al :smokebuds::peace:
Hi Al hows you mate , cant say much mate just , they look great buddie nice one and a lovely clean groom :slap: well deserved Al :smokebuds::peace:
Thanks Dex! :dance2:The 9 week old should be ready in one week. I scoped her, and see a few amber, some cloudy, but lots of clear yet. So I'm guessing this weekend, right at 10 weeks.