New Grower Lowryder 2 grow, from seed to smoke!

6 weeks and 5 weeks old

Hey Network! Here's some info I didn't talk about earlier. The Lowryder 2 is stinky. Last year, two plants got my entire house stinky. Very! So I put in a filter. Works great. :thumbs:Also, I put in 2 hanging CFL side lights, which should get in at those buds that my UFO lights can't reach. I started out with 6500K bulbs for the veg stage, that have 1450 lumens each. I then switched to a flowering 2700K light, each having 4200 lumen each. Those are some big bulbs.

Okay, the grow journal continues. I'm at week 6 and week 5. The single pic is the sick 6-week old starting to look better. Getting hairy and sticky. :clap:The one pic of the grow tent shows a a bit of my filter set up, and you see "The Freak" starting to jump out of the side window. The other plants are on boxes, so you can see she's getting tall. The other pic shows the freak next to others planted the same day that she was planted. She can't be a Lowryder 2 can she? :no: She was packaged with the others, so perhaps a mistake. More pictures to come. She gets lots taller. Lots.:yoinks:


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Gotta auto afghan mass about 44 days in 1st grow 2nd attempt soooooo let's go we are rootin.... (HA ROOTIN) anyways SUBBED if U dnt mind...
Kickin' The Freak to the curb

All good things have to come to an end... No, not this thread yet:D, but the freak has outgrown her welcome. See below. I've got her sitting next to a sister that was planted the same day. They are both 5 and 1/2 weeks old, and both lowryder 2. Crazy, huh? That pic of the leaf in hand is one of hers. Pretty cool pic, huh? Anyway, right after I took this picture of her touching the ceiling, I gave the main stem a little bend to see how she might LST and she snapped. Oh well, to tell you the truth, I'm not so sad. She's still more than 3 feet tall, even with a couple of feet or more snapped off, and I'm wondering if she's really ever going to give any bud, anyway. The last picture is the oldest lowryder 2, at 7 weeks old. Sick leaves will always look that way, but she's going to be okay. See the buds starting to fill out?:brow: What do you think?


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Hi Al hows you mate, glad you've got the ph'ing sorted as this is a must in my book but i have my slipups as well mate so dont worry they will be fine some of the leaves might not recover but they'll be fine. got a weird looking one myself , lol , some crazy shapes to the leaves but hayho thats life

Happy growing Al and look forward to your pics buddie :peace:

Hey Dex! I appreciate you following the grow and that you keep on postin' comments and such!:buds:
No sweat buddie just like to see how yous go about it across the pond mate,lol

If the big one is to much for the tent hight wise as a last resort instead of binning her you could super crop her, but as a last resort as it'll slow her down, the leaf in your hand looks perfect mate :peace:
No sweat buddie just like to see how yous go about it across the pond mate,lol

If the big one is to much for the tent hight wise as a last resort instead of binning her you could super crop her, but as a last resort as it'll slow her down, the leaf in your hand looks perfect mate :peace:

Hey Dex, not sure if I'm a good example of how it's done "across the pond," as I'm not very experienced with marijuana (I'm more of a gentleman farmer, with vegetables, fruit and such. And of course the sexy wench lassies that come around the farm. Ha!:ladies:). I had to Google "Super cropping." Good information. Have you used this technique, and if so, how effective was it? Thanks!
Close to 600 views on this thread! Thanks all!:dance:Lots more pics coming. Hey, this semi-naked baby dancing is kinda....creepy. Ha!
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6 and 1/2 and 7 and 1/2 weeks old. Real time.

So here we are real time. The buddy one is 7 and 1/2 weeks old. Look how sugary. I had to pinch a lower sugary bud off and I'm about to give it a try, after a quick dry in the oven. See pic. :head: I've also found some pollen and gave some to one of my gals. The hairs turned brown over night, so she'll give me some seeds in 4 weeks. Seeds will be lowryder 2 plus some blueberry-lowryder, which are high THC, so my next grow shall be fun.

Uhhhhhh....uhhhh.... I just smoked 1/2 that lil' immature bud. Yikes! Very up, but already couchy too. Yikes. How am I gonna smoke that whole plant when this was just a couple little hits? And I've got 5 good plants growing (I don't count "The Freak). Hey, lowryder 2 is.....a pretty good smoke.....:smoke:More to come....


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Hey Dex, not sure if I'm a good example of how it's done "across the pond," as I'm not very experienced with marijuana (I'm more of a gentleman farmer, with vegetables, fruit and such. And of course the sexy wench lassies that come around the farm. Ha!:ladies:). I had to Google "Super cropping." Good information. Have you used this technique, and if so, how effective was it? Thanks!

Its more for when im growing photo plants i super crop in veg to control there hight late in veg if there getting out of hand but would hold back an auto quite a bit and only used if i was stuck as it would cut the final yeild Al

Lookin good there buddie :peace:
wow alaskan! did not see that monster turning out like that -- too bad she wasnt budding compare to the others.

would have been an amazing yield for LR#2 at that height:

your girls are coming along nicely bro -- frosty and on the way to packing up those weights.


you have 1 ufo per plant?! how are you liking the lights with the density/results so far?!
very interested to see how they turn out as i just added an LED to my set up as well

and did i read it right that you just pollinated the girls @ 7 1/2 weeks old?! if so -- you are looking at 11-13 week harvest point
(that is about 4-6 weeks from now for the seeds to be viable etc -- otherwise that pollination would be pointless)

looking forward to updates! keep it up bro. :thumbs: