New Grower Lowryder 2 grow, from seed to smoke!

count me in as well! :pop: LR#2 was my first and right away i fell in love with the smoke :drool:

interested to see how the ufo performs! keep us updated :thumbs:
Looks like this could be an interesting grow in along for the ride
wish the uk laws where like yours.
That would be bliss flub or like spain i think can grow 4 plants for personal. got to laugh in alaska you can grow 24 feck me id end up in the jail with about 120 oz's :peace:
damn i think i wanna move

but yeah , what to do with the harvest from the remaining 23.5 plants :shrug:

peace :cool:
New pics!

It's come to my attention, that I'm a bit....long-winded. Ha! I'm just having such fun with this, and just wanted to share the fun!

So if you're following the grow here, I had planted 3 seeds, one in each of three 5 gallon containers, and only one came up. So the next weekend I planted the remaining 5 seeds, each in one-gallon containers. I placed the containers on seedling heating mats in the grow tent, and had just one LED UFO on, giving light to the one-week old seedling. I also hooked up a mini-fan, which as you know, not only gives good circulation for plant health, but causes the plants to put energy into strong stems. Don't want those buds breaking any branches! :no: Four days later, all five of the new seedlings poked their lil' heads above the soil surface.:D I transplanted the new seedlings a few days later into 3-gallon containers, again, hoping for larger plants and a subsequent buddier harvest. F-you! :finger:Buddier is too a word! Google it. :rofl:
I placed the LED UFOs 6 or 7 inches above seedlings. I have a little cheap thermometer/humidity meter, and it read 76-78 degrees F. and a little low on humidity. I hung wet t-shirts up in the rafters, to raise the humidity to about 34. If you read my link earlier in the thread, on the history of lowryder, you see that lowryder do just fine in cooler temperatures. Last year I grew them at between 68-70 degrees, and they were fine, and done at 63 days.

Pictured here is the first plant that came up, and one of the plants that came up one-week later. The bigger plant is 21 days, the other, 14 days. Oh, these two are both in 5-gallon pots.

So, judging by the number of views, you are enjoying the thread. Yes? If there is something you want to see, let me know, and I'll try to include that in future posts. Like I said previously, this grow is well underway, so you'll be getting a fast-forward of this grow. Lucky you.
Be well! :thumbs:


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