New Grower Lowryder 2 grow, from seed to smoke!

Gin...for me it`s Plymouth(export), it`s got that special `twang`!
Ah shite im T-total krug , lol ,

Big Al your babies are looking dam fine there mate :peace:
Big Al....that's got a ring to it! Ha!:booya:
It's come to my attention, that I'm a bit....long-winded. Ha! I'm just having such fun with this, and just wanted to share the fun!

So if you're following the grow here, I had planted 3 seeds, one in each of three 5 gallon containers, and only one came up. So the next weekend I planted the remaining 5 seeds, each in one-gallon containers. I placed the containers on seedling heating mats in the grow tent, and had just one LED UFO on, giving light to the one-week old seedling. I also hooked up a mini-fan, which as you know, not only gives good circulation for plant health, but causes the plants to put energy into strong stems. Don't want those buds breaking any branches! :no: Four days later, all five of the new seedlings poked their lil' heads above the soil surface.:D I transplanted the new seedlings a few days later into 3-gallon containers, again, hoping for larger plants and a subsequent buddier harvest. F-you! :finger:Buddier is too a word! Google it. :rofl:
I placed the LED UFOs 7 inches above seedlings. I have a little cheap thermometer/humidity meter, and it read 76-78 degrees F. and a little low on humidity. I hung wet t-shirts up in the rafters, to raise the humidity to about 34. If you read my link earlier in the thread, on the history of lowryder, you see that lowryder do just fine in cooler temperatures. Last year I grew them at between 68-70 degrees, and they were fine, and done at 63 days.

Pictured here is the first plant that came up, and one of the plants that came up one-week later. The bigger plant is 21 days, the other, 14 days. Oh, these two are both in 5-gallon pots.

So, judging by the number of views, you are enjoying the thread. Yes? If there is something you want to see, let me know, and I'll try to include that in future posts. Like I said previously, this grow is well underway, so you'll be getting a fast-forward of this grow. Lucky you.
Be well! :thumbs:

Notice that the older plant is wider than it is tall. I asked around on the site, and learned that the first week the light should be 12 to 18 inches above the 90W UFO, depending on which post I read. I was about 6 inches above the plant with the UFO, so I raised it to see if the issue could be corrected.:shrug:
21 and 28 day pictures

Hi All,
So here you see the 21 and 28 day picture (remember I planted them one week apart). I also have a pic in the tent. As you can see, I was able to correct the squat girl by raising the lights. Oh, and I added some CFL veg lighting on the sides. How do they look so far? Trouble is coming!:help: Stay tuned.... Enjoy!


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Your girls are looking just fine Al , i cant comment on your LEDs as i dont use them (hps) , there is a thread somewhere with led hights , just watch out for any fadeing in the lower leaves they might look for some mag/cal soon but maybe not , but nothing to worry about. all good in Al's house , lol :peace:
Trouble starting

I'm hoping that by posting all the issues I'm about to show, that others can learn not to make these same mistakes!:face:

Note: I didn't mention earlier that I started most of the seeds in one-gallon pots, and then switched right after sprouting into 3 and 5 gallon containers. I had read that lowryder 2 can get large with enough soil. Turns out 5 gallon is too large, three seems okay. Last year my one-gallon pots grew the lowryder 2 to 14 inches, but I finished with not much of a harvest. Not sure if it was my growing conditions or not, since lowryder 2 is a low producer. Looks like this time around I'll have quite a lot more to harvest.

Also, in one-gallon pots last year, I was able to grow the plants to harvest with no fertilizer at all. So that was my plan here as well. Didn't work out this time. Maybe due to the larger pot sizes, which doesn't even make sense, since more soil should equal more food for the plants. Maybe it's the hotter temps in the tent, closer to 80 than 70 degrees this time. Certainly is was poor PH this time, but why didn't it get screwed up last time? Oh well, live, grow and learn.:clap:

Anyway, so at 5 weeks, my first and oldest (by a week) lowryder 2 started getting sick. It started out on lower leaves with orange/brown spots on the leaves, and some of the leaves were getting brown crunchy areas. I posted on this site, and got lots of help.

Lots of issues, and I was screwing up badly. :scope:Turns out that my soil mixture, Sunshine mix #1, has only enough food for about 10 days, and I was watering with distilled water, that had a low PH. The spots were most likely potassium deficiency and/or calcium deficiency. The brown crunchy areas probably are phosphorus deficiencies. My plants were starving due to nutrient lock caused by low PH and the fact that there was not enough food in the soil.

After a plant is this sick, even giving food may not work. So at the advice of Muddy and others, I flushed the plants with lots of PH balanced water. Flushing 5 gallons of soil takes way too much water. Another reason 5 gallons is too large for this strain. The PH drops were not accurate enough for me, so I bought a Hanna liquid PH meter. Finally I was able to get my runoff PH raised from about 4.5 to 6.3. I started watering with tap water I sit out over night, and then PH to 6.3. Things are looking better now, the other plants are not getting sick, but the older one will never look too pretty. Lots of spots still, but the newer leaves are looking okay. Sugar is starting to form around the bud leaves. I'll post the next week's pics probably later today, or tomorrow.

See in the flushing picture how one plant is starting to get taller than her sisters? Well, she's "The Freak," and she's about to get freakier and freakier... Stay tuned for that.

Give me some feedback, questions, whatever, if you get a chance. I hope you are enjoying the thread.:thumbs:


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Nice plants

Hey man those are some pretty plants I wish you the best . People don't realize that long before California Alasksa had the best buds in NAmerica. I'm from Kenai now in lower 48. :-( . We use to get the best skunk buds ever I caled it alasakan thunder fu**. Most came from Hawaii at that time Most people don't realize that Hawaii isn't that far from Alaska and is preferred get away place to Alaskan natives .peace and good luck with your grow.
Hey Homeboy! Yep, AlaskaThundFu** is one of those stories/legends one hears, but I've never known anyone who ever actually had a live plant of the strain. They do sell seeds by that name on several seed sites, but I'm guessing it's not the same thing. I met some folk camping 2 years ago who had some that they passed around the campfire. I got couch lock so badly I couldn't get out of my camping chair, then crazy paranoid. It was something! The name was probably not given to any single variety I've read, but just to the overall strength of Matanuska plants. Who knows. And yes, Hawaii and Vegas are my haunts! I hope you follow the rest of the grow. I've got lots more pics to post this week. :dance2:
Hi Al hows you mate, glad you've got the ph'ing sorted as this is a must in my book but i have my slipups as well mate so dont worry they will be fine some of the leaves might not recover but they'll be fine. got a weird looking one myself , lol , some crazy shapes to the leaves but hayho thats life

Happy growing Al and look forward to your pics buddie :peace: