Indoor LOWRYDER 2 first grow UK


20140830_152020.jpg As you can see from the second pic, theres still a bit of seed shell stuck on her, kind of frightened to take it off as last time I done this, the whole leaf decided to split!

Not sure if you can see the curing up, but I've moved the lights from 1 inch to 3 inch, added 2 bowls of water (small yoghurt pots) to create a nice moist atmosphere... any other tricks to increase moisture in the air without spending money?

Right, time to get suited and booted and off to a wedding... have fun people!
Sounds good man im not to sure with CFls as i have never used them. But it does sound like one of those girls is light sensitive so just be careful on how close you have the lights. But also remember with Cfl the light has to be close to work. So just see how you get on with moving the light a little bit away at a time. If she responds well to this then see how close you can get the light. have a good weekend man.
cheers grim reefer, auto white widow sounds so tasty :-( lowryder sounds shyt...

I no im getting a bit ahead of myself, but im already planning LST, harvest, drying and curing. Im gna give her a nice 6 week cure if our British environment doesn't fuck things up for me...

Do you chop according to the hair colours or looking at the trichs through a jewellers loop?
Hey man I'm alone (edit: along, oops.. me and my no maters lol) for the ride. Personally I never was able to figure out the viewing the trichomes method. I generally harvest when I think they're ready...but wait... then wait at least one more week THEN harvest them :)

I would love to get something to be able to view the trichomes. Maybe it's my eyes.. maybe it's my crappy usb microscope. I tried jewelers loops too but I still can't see the trichs well enough with them.
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Oh and for curing check out Boveda Packs. They are the ones you use for cigar humidors but now they have a 62% version which is made specifically for medicinal herbs. Through one of those in an airtight jar and you'll get the perfect cure after 6 weeks not a bodder!
cheers grim reefer, auto white widow sounds so tasty :-( lowryder sounds shyt...

I no im getting a bit ahead of myself, but im already planning LST, harvest, drying and curing. Im gna give her a nice 6 week cure if our British environment doesn't fuck things up for me...

Do you chop according to the hair colours or looking at the trichs through a jewellers loop?

Exactly what Happy said.
The bigger the pot the bigger the yeild? What do you guys think about this statement? Personally I think genetics has a lot do do with yeilds, as well as cultivating methods. I know for a fact if I done to comparison grows, one with a HPS setup in soil, and another HPS but in hydro set up, the hydro would give me the biggest yeild and a bigger plant.

So y the hell have I done CFL you ask? This is my second first attempt at growing without killing her and putting her through hell.

I'm hoping to keep everything similar for both girls and posting weekly pictures. IDK y im writing I'm heavily medicated, like seeing spots and laughing at my own writing. LOL

A spliff with two beauties, lemon haze in the head and white widow crossed with accidental experiment!
With most autos, I believe that the balance in pot size is between 3gal and 5gal. (I'm using the 3 gal smart pots, and the roots do reach the bottom.) There was a pretty good test grow on another forum by one of the Sweet Seeds affiliate growers that tested between 12 Liter pots (about 3 gal size) and 18 Liter pots (about 5 gal size) and he absolutely got a bigger plant and better yield with the bigger pots and swore he would only use the 18 Liter size from now on. I'll see if I can find it again, it's a good reading for informational purposes :) Now I'm shopping for the 5 gal fabric pots to try it myself :)

Edit: found the test:
On the last pages is his results :)
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Hi there
About pot size
I have pulled about 96g dried bud in a 0,79gal / 3L pot.
A single plant in Hydro and one 100w hps.
but in generel bigger pots, bigger plants.