Ah just looked at the pics, that is Mg def for sure! This young i am inclined to believe its from PH. First of all I would wait for the tester, is the tester a soil tester or a water tester? You should look into purchasing both. Mg Def shouldn't hurt the plant at this stage very much so the plant will be fine. Test the soil, record the PH, then test your water and record that as well. Then depending on the PH of both it should be easy to see if the issue is PH. Try to find a Cal-mag supplement for them, and feed them 1/4 strength after you fix the PH issue. Some store bought soils have unfriendly PH for cannabis. For soil a ph of 6-7 is good, and any water you give them should be 6.2-7. This is pretty important for the plants health. Epsom salts feed the plant, but it drops a lot of salt into the soil and it changes the PH of water. Ferts also change the PH of water, so its best to test the water you feed it after you add anything to it.