Indoor Loryder #1 First Ever Grow

  • Thread starter Thread starter EagleEyes
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Terri, what kind of soil are you using? It looks like your plants could use a gentle feed. Some soils are not very rich in nutrients. Do the sides of the leaves curl upwards? That is a classic sign of Mg def. The leaves look a little hungry for nitrogen to me.
Looking good Terri....glad you found the site....

TY its a great friendly place relaxing.

I like your little home made co2 generator

Ty i saw it on utube wanted to give it a try not sure if its helping anything.

Terri, what kind of soil are you using? It looks like your plants could use a gentle feed. Some soils are not very rich in nutrients. Do the sides of the leaves curl upwards? That is a classic sign of Mg def. The leaves look a little hungry for nitrogen to me.

I am posting a pic of the soil yes the sides have been curling up and the light green inbtween veins. I gave it a little ebsom salt about 5 days ago and yesterday i gave it 1/4 strenght veg nuts. I cant tell if anything is fixed.i dont know should i give it more salt? the soil is wet from feed so would have to wait a few days to water again.



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Sure you could give it some more Epsom salt, but wait till tomorrow and see if the veg ferts perk the color back up. I use a cal-mag supplement, and I love it. Do you know you waters PH? Or your soils PH?
The lowryder looks great I think,I mean it looks healthy and nice looking growth for 17 days ect...
I am ordering 10 lowryders regs tonight,it seems like alot of places are out of low 1 and 2 and purple jems ect...
Im going to try herbies this time around,they seem to have just about everything in stock now...
Ty. Well I think the plant is for sure getting worse still. the new leaves are getting yellow ends and twisting i dont have my ph tester yet i was think ive heard rain water is ferfect ph so i melted snow have bubler in it and some ebsom salts to flush it. but the soil is still damp i dont want to overwater it the leaves are pointing up to light. do you think that will be close to right ph hopeing tester is here soon.
Just relax and wait for the tester. Rain water is GTG just let it warm up. Real cold water will hamper the roots uptake of nutrients. I think a clean flush of rain water will help, if its a PH thing.
Here are some pictures.


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also, I dont think this to be the culprit, but it could be, to much light causes symptoms similar to Mg def. The leaves can curl upwards and cause yellowing. Its actually light bleaching out the chlorophyll. It seems like you have 3 lights over a .5 square foot plant, if they are 23watt lights that works out to be 5000 lumen. That is a little high for a young plant. If those are 13watt bulbs then it shouldn't be a problem.