Looking to grow autos. Need help.

Water doesn't look to bad, other than the Floride and chlorine.

Honestly I have an inexpensive ppm meter, has worked 3 years so far... might have just gotten that one...

That's a relief. Lol. Well, I'll still test the pH with the tester kit real soon to know what I'm gonna be working with in terms of dialing it. I'm prepared with pH Up and pH Down. I have an additive I used for pK called "Flower Fuel" during flowering. Is this fine to use for autos as well? Also, I'll still be feeding til runoff each time with Coco Coir right? I keep being told that "less is more" as it pertains to the feeding, but I was also warned to feed til runoff to avoid salt buildup with this medium. Don't know if that's still applicable to the autos because this was all for the photos run prior.

You say I'll need to switch to my 1x 1000w MH in around week two of veg from the t5.

At that point, you're saying I'll be halfway done through veg. I wonder when exactly(week number) the stacking is supposed to start, because you also say that this signifies the end of stretching and the start of flower growth. Would it be in my best interest to switch to my 1x 1000w HPS when the stacking starts? I have two 1000w bulbs for this reflector light. One MH, the other HPS.
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I bring the light in a little early to discourage too much stretch.

Also i tend to push differently during veg, so as soon as they can handle the light I get it on.

When my bags are full of roots, I water to 20% run off, when they're just tiny I tend to water like 250 ml, so I don't really see runoff except once a week for a preventative flush.
Been awhile since I had lighting choices, but I ran rooms, MH in the veg room, HPS in the flower room, so they were changed when I moved girls into flower.
I bring the light in a little early to discourage too much stretch.

Also i tend to push differently during veg, so as soon as they can handle the light I get it on.

When my bags are full of roots, I water to 20% run off, when they're just tiny I tend to water like 250 ml, so I don't really see runoff except once a week for a preventative flush.
Been awhile since I had lighting choices, but I ran rooms, MH in the veg room, HPS in the flower room, so they were changed when I moved girls into flower.

Makes sense. I was actually encouraged to use the MH for an extra 2.5 weeks into flowering for the photos for some reason. I ended up doing so, but I forget why. I did switch to the MH yet again for the final week or so til harvest for some sort of increase in trichs.

Key thing here it seems like is that I'll need to be able to read the ppm to do what you're doing. I see what you're saying about different phase rooms. Lots of growers have that option for their runs. My question is when exactly I should use the HPS for them? For me, it's a change in a bulb since I grow in one tent for both phases. I think it makes sense to start using the HPS when they start stacking, but I need to be sure.

What light do you bring in early? The HPS(Flowering) light?
I'm running LED now, so it's a matter of turning a couple knobs up... but if I was still mh/hps, no later than stop of stretch, and the hps spectrum will slow it up a little, so if it looked like I was going to have a size management issue, in came the hps.
I'm running LED now, so it's a matter of turning a couple knobs up... but if I was still mh/hps, no later than stop of stretch, and the hps spectrum will slow it up a little, so if it looked like I was going to have a size management issue, in came the hps.

It's awesome you're telling me when to switch it to at the latest and giving me the run around as to when I should actually switch the lights. It'll really give me a good idea on when to do all the switching for my first run with the autos.

Pretty much everything's been answered from your end. I hope the fingernail incision is still fine for germing since I won't have that tube. All in all, I'm looking forward to this. The plan is to fix up my connector piece on my tent(one cracked in half as I was taking it off) by buying a cheap PVC connector from a store. I'll start trying to practice zeroing my scooper. Perhaps however, I should be weighing the nutes with a cup? After I get that sorted, I'll soon test out the pH of my water here. I still need a solution to check ppm. I think I should be doing that regularly to avoid any shortcomings or potential lockout. If you have any feeding recommendations in terms of tools, please let me know.

I'm looking for a tool that holds a decent amount of solution and that's easy to use. In the past, I bought a pesticide sprayer. This holds a decent amount, but I need it poured and not sprayed in small amounts. I wonder if it has a setting on there that allows this. I'll have to check on that, but in the meantime, I'm trying to find anything else that works well for this. Thanks for all the help thus far. I'll be asking whatever is on my mind, however you've already answered a boatload of my questions on this thread alone.
I've got a 1 gallon pesticide sprayer that I take the spray end off if I'm having trouble getting in to a girl to feed.
I've got a 1 gallon pesticide sprayer that I take the spray end off if I'm having trouble getting in to a girl to feed.

I hope I can do that with mine as well. It’s a 1 gallon too bro.
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Kinda a pain, but it works. Luckily by the time I need it to get around the plants in flower I'm not using it to foliar feed.
Kinda a pain, but it works. Luckily by the time I need it to get around the plants in flower I'm not using it to foliar feed.

It seems infinitely better than filling up a 1000ml beaker every time and having to hand funnel it to all the plants with an oil funnel like I did prior lol.. I tested it once a long time ago and I know the sprayer worked fine. I still have to see if I can even take off the nozzle.

I want to use fabric pots. You as well as everyone is telling me they work great. I'm being advised to buy ones with handles. I just have no idea how to go about elevating them. I need to collect the drainage somehow. It's clear to me now that starting them in 3g of size regardless if it's fabric pots or solid pots won't be an issue. Enough people do that to show me that I can start them like this as well. I'm also being told stretching is 3 weeks long. However, what week number is stretch supposed to start and end in? That's what I'm wondering. It would have to be before they start stacking.
Was just told to switch to the HPS in day 28 regardless of what the plants look like. Thoughts?