Looking to grow autos. Need help.

Guess I'm in the planning stages right now. I got a good idea of what's supposed to happen for the run. I'm currently waiting on my buddy to choose his new place and then we'll start setting all the stuff up for the run.

After around two weeks from germ, I'll be halfway through veg. I'll need to switch to the 1x 1000w MH at that time. Day 28, I'm supposed to switch to the HPS regardless of what the plants look like. Until that point, I'll have to gauge their stretch on when to possibly switch to HPS sooner from my understanding. I'm going to be trying to do seven plants minimum here. Strain will most likely be White Widow.

I'll want to document everything on here. I really like this forum. It's filled with so many insightful growers and you all have truly helped me understand a lot of things. Thanks to everyone that are helping me plan for my first auto run.
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Some questions I still have are is do you still lolipop autos and is it okay to top them? I topped for my photos for the first run. I was told topping was fine with autos as well. I have no idea about lolipopping. I also don't know how defoliating works for autos.