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If I hadn't given you rep for the LITTLE one I'd be able to for this one... geez!! How tall is that one?!?


I dunno how tall it is. I'll go throw a tape measure on it in a few. I do know it's grown at least 2" over the weekend

This is why it is outside
@Dudeski In the UK we have "Wheelie Bins" even an empty one of those will work as a temp measure in the worst weather (if the plant will fit). Don't forget to weigh it down with something and let it have air as soon as possible... clear away other plants and other stuff from its vicinity, to allow airflow around and through it - worked for me in the past.
I may could trim a few fan leafs. It isn't supposed to be a long running strain so i may get through this ok. Just not trying to make it look to obvious outside due to where i am at!
Good Evening AFN Stoners..:pass:..sharing one.

Man I'm wrecked..the List of stuff before we go away just gets longer and longer...:nono:..and time gets shorter.
So I imagine this is what I'll be like for the next few days..and I'll be stressed to chuff before I even get there...:nono:

We got the auto water system set up at the patio pot can survive.
Just gotta Watch out for the next few days..make sure it is doing the job properly..:headbang:

Haircut tomorrow..get chicken food..pick up the painter and get the paint..he's coming in to paint the cabin and feed the chickens when we are away...:nono:..gonna be another long day. is so Hot..every job gets you a full sweat on.

When the burglars came..they took the sodding remote for the aircon..and it doesn't have a manual it is stonking hot and all we have to help is a small occilating is Fraught ATM.

I tried catching up on LS when I got a smoke break..but I haven't managed to get lot could Talk the hind legs off a donkey..and no-one has yet come up with a computer screen that is Good in high light situations.
I had the laptop on me knees under the table trying to read it..:biggrin:

Mo Mo..what do you know...? may be needing Paternity leave in 9 months..:yoinks:..I'll have to pencil it in..there has been a Rash of them.
Your lady didn't sit on SoH chair in the staffroom did she..?..coz our baby boom seemed to start when he started coming to work pantless..and it scares me wondering what he is doing on that chair. would be your you will just Not be prepared for the shell I could see you needing a good 6 have been for warned..don't you get pregnant too..or BW's will be leaderless...:coffee: can get pregnancy tests now that show up a few days after don't have to we used to..:biggrin:

Dudeski..don't feed her...:d5:..over winter when I'm likely to get hit with persistant rain I don't feed.
Rain and over cast conditions..mixed with feed = Mold..:thumbsup:

Go Feed Free in dank conditions.
I may could trim a few fan leafs. It isn't supposed to be a long running strain so i may get through this ok. Just not trying to make it look to obvious outside due to where i am at!

An upturned Wheelie Bin in a lot of gardens would not cause a lot of interest here in the UK now - Unfortunately !
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