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@Duggy and @archie gemmill
Whenever I got stopped/accused for pot essence, I always was so upfront......yeah man, I was just talking with this tall blond dude, he was smoking some strong weed.....probably that skanky stuff I read about in the Daily Mail....he was quite a nice chap, but the smell !!!! It must have rubbed off on me........

What you say officer ? ....... "On your way sonny" !!!!...........Thanks occifer. lol
Uhhhh..... Someones wife is expecting.... my outdoor plant is a bit eaten.... two hangovers..... 3 stonned.... and the price of fish has gone sky high. Ughhhh yep thats about it. :pass: Hi!

Yup..I would say that about sums it up..:coffee:

did I read pray?,

Yup..send up Burnt Offerings to the Great Ganja Goddess..:pass:..mold in plants is the equivellent of cancer in humans..if you catch it fast enough..and treat it Might just get through it.
Raise your PH a bit..:thumbsup:

Frank, I'm not sure to wear it with pride or shame !................on

Never upset the badge giver-out-erer..:yeah:..she who must be Obeyed..

I just love all the little tricks I learn in live stoners :smoking:

Me can Learn something New every day..

do i hear the kettle ?
:pighug: have started the archie gemmill breakfast Fad..:thumbsup:
Oh so here's something. @Waira might remember about a month and a half ago, I had received a broken soil pH probe. I had ordered it through Amazon and replacing it wasn't an option, so after I tried contacting the seller, HydroGalaxy, just returned it and was reimbursed. Several days later HydroGalaxy contacted me and offered me an apology and a replacement. But I never received it, and just thought oh well, I wasnt paying for it anyway so whatever... today my replacement arrived! Took a while, but it was free and it always makes me smile when a business actually takes care of its customers!
today my replacement arrived! Took a while, but it was free and it always makes me smile when a business actually takes care of its customers!

Me too Eye..:d5:..I don't Think you ever Know a company until you have to Use their customer service...:headbang:..some of the biggest fail badly.

When you get the them a review..:thumbsup:..and give them plus points for it..
Oh so here's something. @Waira might remember about a month and a half ago, I had received a broken soil pH probe. I had ordered it through Amazon and replacing it wasn't an option, so after I tried contacting the seller, HydroGalaxy, just returned it and was reimbursed. Several days later HydroGalaxy contacted me and offered me an apology and a replacement. But I never received it, and just thou
but i dont have breakfast :shrug:
cuppa and canna certainly qualifies
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