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Nothing silly about that question!! No, we just had 3 days of sideways rain and everything is flooded and murky! So it will take about 3-4 days to clear out, IF the mountain range doesn't get any more rain! I have plenty of stuff to keep me busy at home. Had 3 family groups come through in the last month and the grow op had to be taken down. Setting it all up now, so have that to do and am like a kid in a candy shop. A whole new set of toys to play with. New leds, 2 new mediums to play with(Kindsoil and coco) autopot system. Kind of out of my element, as I only grew in soil less medium. New things to try and learn. I am stoked and have done a ton of research in the last 3 weeks with the tents being down! Confident I can rock it and have a bunch of you fine folks to help out too!:thumbsup:

I am confident as well lol understatement of the year!
There is a fifth dimension
beyond that, which is known to man
it is a dimension as vast as space
and is timeless as infinity
it is the middle ground
between light and shadow
between science and superstition
and it lies between the pit of mans fears
and the summit of his knowledge
this is the dimension of imagination
it is an area which we call....
THE CannaZone
these "little" "non potent" plants

I have one friend that gives me an ear full about autos every time I see him. He's an old school outdoor grower that is stuck in 1970's thinking!! (not that there is anything wrong with that, lol).

I hope to one day open his eyes (or mind) a bit. :smoking:
Hello chums,

Penguin Warning !!!!!!

Old age, (yes I am over 21 now) is catching up on me. My fricking hip is killing me. Seriously, mucho pain. No sleep and no street cred. (having to use a frame at times!)

Due to the pain, I have spotted myself becoming short tempered and snappy with people. Not my usual style at all.

So, if you spot a post from me that seems a little "out of character", you should understand why. Don't take it personal.

And that includes you Derek 4 friking 20. You ugly, miserable stinking piece of stained underwear. Oops, there I go again.....

Is that Ep???

Most of you have probably heard this one, but I couldn't help posting it

A penguin is driving along on a hot summers day when he notices his oil light is on. He gets out of the car and sure enough, it's leaking oil all over the road.

The penguin drives around the corner to a service station and asks the mechanic to take a look at it. The mechanic says he has a few others to look at first, but if he comes back in an hour he can tell the penguin what is wrong with his car.

The penguin agrees and goes for a walk. He finds an ice cream shop and thinks a big bowl of vanilla ice cream will really hit the spot. He sits down at the counter and starts on his ice cream. Of course the poor bugger has no hands so it is rather messy. By the time he is done he has ice cream all over his flippers and his mouth - a total mess.

He waddles back to the service station and says to the mechanic, "Did you find out what is wrong with my car?" The mechanic replies, "It looks like you've blown a seal"

"No no", says the penguin. It's just ice cream".
It started off as a blind date.....................all was looking good


And then, tragedy........................blimmin seals..........................


Can't trust the feckers.................
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