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Thats what i was thinking!!


I think he likes the UV from the led.
Its sgt stedanko!! Does he look like this?
I cant wait to get old so I can do random stuff and honestly not give AF!

At forty, I competing in amateur martial arts tournaments. Today, I couldn't kick a plant!

Yeah is not all it is cracked up to be..:headbang:..especially if you are carrying a brand new 1 lb Badge on your Rank shoulder..:bighug:..Well Done Derek..

Trying her on for size now, how does it look? Think it suits me?

Suits you Fine Grim..Worth a Twirl...:bravo:..definitely one I'd be Proud to wear myself..
(If I was good enough..:grump:..what am I saying...:dang:..I've got the Key to the badge box..:bubbles:..)

I mean I think I just need to start out my days here saying how AMAZING @Mossy is! That is cooooooool as hell! I love this place!

We Love you too brighten the Place up with your Enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm is Catching..

On a more serious note to obtain the 1 pound per plant badge, will a journal need to be documented and completed or can it just be handed out to who ever claims they have grown one pound from a plant?

For the New Pound has to be a Verified grow.
If you have a 1lb plant and want to be checked out for the grow..please contact @Grim Reefer..and Ask nicely..:thumbsup:

Make a half pound badge and I will hit you up

Make it a 1/4 lb er and I'll have mine with Fries..

Not like zucchini is any big challenge in Colorado dad used to give any grocery bags full of the stuff at work just so it wouldn't go to waste. :smoking:

Cheers Ozone..I had a quick look yesterday and it was absolutely Mouth much Wonderful food.

pretty skint atm lol that's the problem we can get here on poundland lol n being serious

skuff..if that is all you can afford go for it through and let us know...:d5:..and we all might get some.
Simple and cheap ferts tend to be tomato fertilisers.
If I was skint..that is what I would plump for..:headbang:..for Best price and an all 'round service.
But..remember..tomoato Flower ferts would be your vegging fert and Tomato Fruit would be your Flower fert.

Edit: The price of the explode would get your mind spinning lol - i cringe everytime its in the basket lol

I Cringe everytime I buy expensive ferts..but I look at it like this...
Last time I bought bud it was 10 euros a Gram..:yoinks:..if I Pay 100 euros for a bottle of ferts..all that fert has to pay me back is 10 grammes of extra growth..over the life time of the Pay for itself.
That was how I convinced hubby anyway..:thumbsup:

Stop driving yourself nuts, stop lookin "online" and ask your questions here(not necessarily here in LS but in more specific forums) and you will get better info

@Rebel rebel..the good old we Used to say..there are those who Think they Know Autos..and those who Grow Autos..
Ask the ones that Grow'll get much better Information

How come you think your buds won't swell with what you're using? I'd run it and then you'll know if it's no good or not.

In 10 years I've seen a Hell of a lot more members Kill Autos with Over feeding than I have Under feeding them..:headbang:
We should run the @archie gemmill Classic ...
A variation of the shot glass thing.. Plants grown in a tea cup :crying:
First BW challenge maybe ...
Let's pow wow about that... I like this idea

cheeky bugger i can make more than just cups of tea you know !
here is my dinner from last night its called spaghetti bolognese.

I know for a fact he does because they get warm from it!!!!!!! I want pictures bro, Mission Control is sending you out on a LS mission GO FIND THE BEARDED DRAGON!!!! There are several reasons for this, first and foremost our fearless leader kinda has a thing for um DRAGONS!!! Secondly I think that LS needs a MASCOT and what better than a ganja loving bearded DRAGON!!! It will be your mission to love him and keep him alive forever(well maybe not forever but you get the idea) Go forth Solider and complete the task you will be greatly rewarded with high praise and rep!

Mission Accepted !! The hunt is on!
He was about 2" long. The ones outside get maybe 6-8". I know he is just in the foliage somewhere sucking up UV and grubbing!
Yeah is not all it is cracked up to be..:headbang:..especially if you are carrying a brand new 1 lb Badge on your Rank shoulder..:bighug:..Well Done Derek..

Suits you Fine Grim..Worth a Twirl...:bravo:..definitely one I'd be Proud to wear myself..
(If I was good enough..:grump:..what am I saying...:dang:..I've got the Key to the badge box..:bubbles:..)

We Love you too brighten the Place up with your Enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm is Catching..

For the New Pound has to be a Verified grow.
If you have a 1lb plant and want to be checked out for the grow..please contact @Grim Reefer..and Ask nicely..:thumbsup:

Make it a 1/4 lb er and I'll have mine with Fries..

Cheers Ozone..I had a quick look yesterday and it was absolutely Mouth much Wonderful food.

skuff..if that is all you can afford go for it through and let us know...:d5:..and we all might get some.
Simple and cheap ferts tend to be tomato fertilisers.
If I was skint..that is what I would plump for..:headbang:..for Best price and an all 'round service.
But..remember..tomoato Flower ferts would be your vegging fert and Tomato Fruit would be your Flower fert.

I Cringe everytime I buy expensive ferts..but I look at it like this...
Last time I bought bud it was 10 euros a Gram..:yoinks:..if I Pay 100 euros for a bottle of ferts..all that fert has to pay me back is 10 grammes of extra growth..over the life time of the Pay for itself.
That was how I convinced hubby anyway..:thumbsup:

@Rebel rebel..the good old we Used to say..there are those who Think they Know Autos..and those who Grow Autos..
Ask the ones that Grow'll get much better Information

In 10 years I've seen a Hell of a lot more members Kill Autos with Over feeding than I have Under feeding them..:headbang:

Thank you @Mossy you brighten our LIVES not just our days!!!!! I will rep the pounder badge proudly and hopefully use it as a tool to show folks that are new to autoflowering cannabis what can be achieved!
Morning Stoners! headed out to go on a hike and lunch with the wife. Have most of the grow room up and beans a germing! Fastbuds Pineapple Express!!:woohoo:On a more serious note...

THIS JUST IN!!! CannaZone brings you the PLatinumLED grow test!! With some great growers, testing their leds!! Check em out and see how they do in different setups!
I even have a tread in there too!:thumbsup: I am running mine in A 2 x 4 tent with Kindsoil!! Looking at simplicity with only adding water!! No nutes! Plain water! Simple. If you haven't seen this product, do check out Kindsoil and give it a try! Here is their link to check it out...

Have a great day you crazy canna compadres!

There is a fifth dimension
beyond that, which is known to man
it is a dimension as vast as space
and is timeless as infinity
it is the middle ground
between light and shadow
between science and superstition
and it lies between the pit of mans fears
and the summit of his knowledge
this is the dimension of imagination
it is an area which we call....
THE CannaZone
Mission Accepted !! The hunt is on!
He was about 2" long. The ones outside get maybe 6-8". I know he is just in the foliage somewhere sucking up UV and grubbing!

Sweet I know you are up to the task, we are totally going to have a LS mascot that is a DRAGON sweeeeeeeeet!
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