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Does zucchini count for the pound badge? Just pulled the first off this morning and if what I saw whilst poking around in the plant is any indication, it's going to produce a LOT this year.

Not like zucchini is any big challenge in Colorado dad used to give any grocery bags full of the stuff at work just so it wouldn't go to waste. :smoking:
Ignore the chemicals for now then - get a bottle of Canna Boost and use it form the onset of flowering and it the buds will fatten.
I'm pretty sure it's fancy molasses - but gives better results than molasses ever gave me :rofl:

It should keep your grow "clean" enough for the purists! :D
pretty skint atm lol that's the problem we can get here on poundland lol n being serious I have a bottle off the bloom dnt no wither 2 use it just as I have it
@blue so just run straight boost, cal-mag and silica? drop the A&B pk
No lol - not like that :D

Keep using the A&B right to the final 2 weeks - then drop it and everything else (including PH ammendments).

Keep the A&B rocking and add Boost when you start the onset of flowering. It doesnt add much if any to the EC so you can be quite generous with it - check the canna grow guide chart - i throw mine in at about 2ml per litre - it's expensive and goes a long way so dont feel bullied into using what canna say - they want you to use it all up lol

Silica i dont use.
CalMag - i sometimes use if there's a problem - but mines a bit funky and N heavy (odd)
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