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We are on the 3rd day of Water only (Final Flush) for my 3 Auto Indoor Girls...

Looking good (albeit a little short, but that's my fault, as I stunned them early on with flower nutrients too soon).

Buds looking good, sticky and smelly. Tric production is insane... Trics are dripping from everywhere...

I estimate the trics average between 40% to 50% milky / cloudy In general (calculated over all 3 plants) starting to turn darker now. They should just about be perfect with just 10 Days to go - getting excited now.

Plants are showing signs of using up their reserves in the leaves as some start to turn and fade with crispy edges (expected, as I am running low humidity in the final weeks).

I read a tip somewhere on here, that you should always lower humidity to -40%RH if possible during the last weeks - it doesn't help the leaves, but supposedly helps the density and strength of the buds - and the added bonus of reducing the chance of mildew or budrot.

Nothing excessively wrong, in fact... it's all going as expected, so I am keeping to my flush schedule (for now).

Todays pics... What do you think peeps?

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When are you goin to grow some frosty weed man? :crying::crying: they look GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great job:highfive:
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