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3 boys. 12, 6, and 3 yrs. 1 girl. 1 yr.

Dang 4 kids! Nice little brood! They are lucky to have you!

Anything over the Mg your brain can use it will, the rest your just wasting.. the Brain will not use anymore cannabanoids than needed.. A cannabis overdose means sleep!!

I try and overdose daily... hehhe I have been trying to OD on weed for over 25 years now! I give up!! Seems like the more i smoke, the older i get!!! :pass:

Yep cannabis "overdose" is saturating the brain sufficiently to get what is known as the cannabinibs where you get all disoriented then pass smooth out, you see the thing about the brains ability to absorb THC into the endocannabinoid system is really a matter of tolerance. I smoke between a half gram and a gram a day of concentrates so it takes more to saturate my brain cells with THC because of their increased tolerance

All 100% true!

All I was saying is that from small humble beginnings can get a garden that overtakes your wildest expectations.......

Not trying to blow my own trumpet here, but if you have never checked out my UK Outdoor Grow....see link below......
you will be amazed at what can be achieved outdoors in the middle of the is a helter skelter of a ride with an ultimately tragic end............if you have never read this thread, I urge you to do so......if I say so is a classic.
Might take an hour to go through it, so pick your time..........

I just shed a tear. Without spoiling I'll just say it was bullshit eP! Still feel for ya on that one bud!

music mode any requests lol

Something with guitar and what the hell... Throw in a double kick drum and throw it on my tab!

Thank you sweetie, it was fun to make it and drink it. But now I am going to top it off with a couple dabs and I should be stoned for the next 6 or 7 hours :yay::woody:

Dude I'd probably get stoned just smelling your breath.

Now that sounds like a hell of a time wow!

Some of the greatest times of my life!

Did you get to check out any of the other studios rebel? Several in memphis. One just burned recently, was rather suspicious fire too...

No unfortunately. We were on a VERY tight schedule. Had to even cut the Sun Records trip short. Four shows in two nights them next morning right back to Vegas for our residency show. Only had two nights off so there's no real nights off lol one year I worked 6 months straight with no days/nights off lol just a few hrs.

Let me put on my big surprise face!!
Dang 4 kids! Nice little brood! They are lucky to have you!

All 100% true!

I just shed a tear. Without spoiling I'll just say it was bullshit eP! Still feel for ya on that one bud!

Something with guitar and what the hell... Throw in a double kick drum and throw it on my tab!

Dude I'd probably get stoned just smelling your breath.

Some of the greatest times of my life!

No unfortunately. We were on a VERY tight schedule. Had to even cut the Sun Records trip short. Four shows in two nights them next morning right back to Vegas for our residency show. Only had two nights off so there's no real nights off lol one year I worked 6 months straight with no days/nights off lol just a few hrs.

Let me put on my big surprise face!!

Duuuuude It is hard to hold my head up right now and i love it, if you want to get sleepy folks eat a bunch of indica wax mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... oops my head hit the keyboard and I couldn't lift it back up
All I was saying is that from small humble beginnings can get a garden that overtakes your wildest expectations.......

Not trying to blow my own trumpet here, but if you have never checked out my UK Outdoor Grow....see link below......
you will be amazed at what can be achieved outdoors in the middle of the is a helter skelter of a ride with an ultimately tragic end............if you have never read this thread, I urge you to do so......if I say so is a classic.
Might take an hour to go through it, so pick your time..........
cool ep, gonna check it out
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