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Duuuuude It is hard to hold my head up right now and i love it, if you want to get sleepy folks eat a bunch of indica wax mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... oops my head hit the keyboard and I couldn't lift it back up

WE HAVE A DABBER DOWN!! I REPEAT A DABBER DOWN!! quick! Someone grab some coffee!!

I saw Sandra Bullock one time at Denny's

What was she eating?

great story Rebel

Thank you @trailanimal! All 100% True!
@Mossy ... I just found a cat in my house. We don't have cats. Seriously. Having a weird day :shrug:

Cats work in Mysterious ways Eyeoftheworld.
People pick dogs..cats pick people...:headbang:

@Rebel Idk why he wanted to give him hot dogs. But I immediately thought of @Son of Hobbes and told him we were out of string. Earned me the "wtf are you talking about mom?" look...


What is @epenguin up to.. Who is he warning?

Probably something Dastardly..or Whacky..dratted Dick Dastardly

good work derek

Sweet derek..won't let me plus rep you though. :d5:

I try and overdose daily... hehhe I have been trying to OD on weed for over 25 years now! I give up!! Seems like the more i smoke, the older i get!!! :pass:

:coffee: Fingers crossed I've never had a whitey..but I have seen hubby having them..I don't Fancy one..he groans a lot..:biggrin:..and goes grey.

But now I am going to top it off with a couple dabs and I should be stoned for the next 6 or 7 hours :yay::woody:

Duuuuude It is hard to hold my head up right now and i love it, if you want to get sleepy folks eat a bunch of indica wax mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... oops my head hit the keyboard and I couldn't lift it back up

:dragon8: Sleep Tight Derek..

Someone watch eP doesn't shave dereks eyebrows off while he is passed out..

Ooops too late.. :doh:..for one of them anyways..

Dastardly penguin..
When I was 17 I knew I wanted to be a recording engineer. I figured everyone and their mother plays guitar. If I wanted to really GET IN the business I needed an outlet to expose myself (get your mind out of the gutter @Son of Hobbes) to everyone I could. Took me 5 yrs to build up the courage to leave NY. First time I actually backed out. Two weeks later I tried again. I literally threw myself to the wolves in Vegas. That producer I was apprenticing for taught me more about what NOT to do but hey if he wasn't a racist asshole I never would have gotten that gig. Which in turn got me 6 more gigs after and that got me where I was when I left. Which was pretty high up for 25 and no engineering school. I was fortunate enough to be born with golden ears lol

I wish you all could see my memorabilia room. Autos, pics, and such from everyone I ever worked with. I'd take pics but I'm in them all lol I'll have to do some heavy editing lol

Moral of the story. Grab life by the short hairs. Make it YOUR own. No ones gonna make it for you!

Oh man... That stuff just turns my stomach. Another historical landmark gone...
right on your dream!...........
WE HAVE A DABBER DOWN!! I REPEAT A DABBER DOWN!! quick! Someone grab some coffee!!

What was she eating?

Thank you @trailanimal! All 100% True!

Actually it was just a lady who had brown hair, I don't really have any cool celeb stories hahahahahahahaha
Cats work in Mysterious ways Eyeoftheworld.
People pick dogs..cats pick people...:headbang:


Probably something Dastardly..or Whacky..dratted Dick Dastardly

Sweet derek..won't let me plus rep you though. :d5:

:coffee: Fingers crossed I've never had a whitey..but I have seen hubby having them..I don't Fancy one..he groans a lot..:biggrin:..and goes grey.

:dragon8: Sleep Tight Derek..

Someone watch eP doesn't shave dereks eyebrows off while he is passed out..

Ooops too late.. :doh:..for one of them anyways..

Dastardly penguin..

Yaaaaaaaaaaay Mossy is here, I did it I stayed awake til Moss Boss came to LS. NOW I can go take a dabnap lol, thanks for the rep Aunty M you are the BEST!! :bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug:
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