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Pretty dang close brudda wowsa I LOVE EATING THC!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait...wait....yep....yep....dab I had after getting home from the store starting to kick in....


View attachment 597043 @Ozone69 ! How's your beautiful garden today?

Everything growing great. Tomato plants gettting ready to take over the little garden bed. Roses blooming like mad right now. Think this bush is my the shade of purple on this one.

Mossy does that mean you just get real sick? or that you vomit? If i smoke to much on a empty stomach OMG, i will get so sick!!!
I guess thats a whitey ..

That was me yesterday lol too much THC on an empty stomach... Yikes!

is ideed bud a tell him all the time atleast 1 off us got out off this shithole now hes in Hollywood recording n touring the world n gd for him somw 1 had 2 get outta here its a full on shithole

I totally feel that. Southern NY is a massive shit hole. Full of miserable people. I couldn't wait to get out!
Wait...wait....yep....yep....dab I had after getting home from the store starting to kick in....


Everything growing great. Tomato plants gettting ready to take over the little garden bed. Roses blooming like mad right now. Think this bush is my the shade of purple on this one.

View attachment 597044
beautiful Oz
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