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Gooooood Mernin AFN How would everyone like a little Leftover Salmon for breakfast? Well here you go a little High Country(and a heady shout out to all my Colorado folks as this song is about the emerald rectangle) to start everyones day!
Hey @Dudeski i think theres one more box of cere,its all yours dude
Good Morning AFN have been Listening to Bud Warriors Pirate Broadcasting through the night with Rebel..Derek and Eyeofthe Smooth you can almost hear the Appalation Drawl...Smooth like Sunday morning..

For your Listening Pleasure on this bright and breezy sunday we have the Golden have me along to play your day away.

Light up and listen along while you cook up sunday breakfast and enjoy the smokey atmosphere.

Can I bring you a bit of Breaking News..
Kitties from all over the UK and Europe are being kit-napped.
Worried cat owners are asking members of the public to keep an eye out for these Evil Cat-nappers.
If you spot any members walking around with lots of kitties on their shoulder you are being urged to ring Crime Stopper now on this number...:vibe:

Head Line news..what can you do about doggy seed thieves..:thumbsup:

@Mossy you might just be the coolest person on earth, and if we all took a poll I think you would win in a landslide!! To report on the kitty situation I am going to need to go out and steal me a couple, you know resuce them from the shelters n stuff not from peoples porches that is just wrong hahaha, for 3 and 4k. You are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!
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