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Yup I first lived in Henderson.. Right behind sunset station. Then over off Nellis... Then southern strip before I left. 5 years there... Crazy place to live and work for sure. We'll have to trade stories one night!

Nope.. And I miss pollo loco... Big time! Lol

Hell I'm a global and idk wth the best answer means LMFAO

OK real reason I picked up guitar at age 8 was because of this dude. This version still makes my jaw drop. Pure f*cking talent. Playing lead and rhythm with the SAME DAMN HAND. Dudes' a guitar legend/god... All of the above.

Yeah I have a couple of stories from Vegas but I am sure you have waaaaay more, oh and did you mean to post a video or somethin, cause you described your inspiration for the guitar but didn't say who it was lmao
Yeah sorry lmao forgot the link. Just dropped it there. Damn stoners... Hahaha

Hell just taking a trip solo as a woman is gutsy. Imo. Never felt like home til I hit the mid Ohio valley. My heart has always been in Appalachia. Born and raised on the Appalachian trail! Well it goes right threw my hometown in southern NY...
@Rebel I lived in Henderson on Eastern right by the airport for like 2 years Vegas is a cool place to visit but living there is a whole other story it was crazy
I'm interested in this story for another night though @Rebel . I love hearing people's stories about how they end up in different places.
I ended up in Colorado cause they legalized weed and it has taken my two years to get here and get growing, I will be living in Southern Colorado in the San Luis Valley and the reason I chose that is if you google Cheap land in Colorado that is what comes up hahaha
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