Yup..the more I Learn..the more I Think mother nature does a better job herself...we just keep spoiling it coz we Want to Play with them.....LaYZeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Pot....
You know you are Stoned when you do your nose eyebrow and fringe Trim trying to light a half saved joint with a long nosed lighter..(hubby..not me..

I have Ikea hanging storage nets..
Hmmm....you are just after your 10,000 Kitty..aren't you...?....
Cheers Buds...

..I'm getting to old for manual labour..and the weeds are Winning the fight.
I keep threatening hubby to swap him for 2 x 35 year olds to do the work...
No..but you did get a Big Fat Mossy Hug..

..good to See you..