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Who wants a "Limited Edition" badge???!!! I was gifted the opportunity, to dole out a badge today, and today only!! Once its doled out to a select few, then it will be gone and you will have bragging rights on a badge no one else can have or get!!:headbang: Here is the low down on the badge....A few weeks ago, I posted here, in Live Stoners a funny pic for a germination badge, this one...
View attachment 565513 (briman's get crackin badge!!)
Mossy, saw it and being the good sort she is, made me the badge. SO, this badge will have no meaning as to germination. It will be for members that "get crackin" or put in a little vibe on site! Who wants the FIRST "LIMITED EDITION" AFN badge?
Oooooooo I LOVE BADGES MORE THAN I LOVE CRACK! Gimme one! :vibe:
Forgot to mention earlier that at the time I picked this up I had just started my little glass collection. For some reason, probably having recently watched the movie "Half Baked", I decided to try and come up with creative names for each of my pieces as I acquired them. I only ever got around to actually coming up with names for two of the pieces before the game got old and/or the creative juices just ran out, but this little gandalf pipe is one them.

Since the Lego movie was recent at the time, and I needed a good wizardy sounding name, I settled on a twist on the character Vitruvius (the old wizard) in the Lego movie.

So I give you...... *insert drum roll*


View attachment 565113

P.S....for anyone still reading after all that babbling who might be curious, the other that got a name was my tall triple perc bong that got named "Lord Budness". :bong:
another great looking pipe, naming stuff is fun, my wife has names for everything in the cabin, example: Fisher Baby Bear wood stove is now Heartha
Recently, published updates to its Singles in America survey, suggesting that of the 5,500 people surveyed, “single stoners are 109% more likely to have had multiple orgasms.” Does cannabis really help people have multiple orgasms? If so, how?


What, Exactly, is an Orgasm?
Sexuality resource site Scarleteen defines orgasm as “an event typically in response to physical or intellectual sexual stimulation, controlled by the involuntary nervous system. Orgasm often results in muscle contractions in and around the genitals, other muscular spasms throughout the body, and a feeling of sexual and/or tension release.”

So what’s the deal with multiple orgasms?

My colleague Dr. Nadine Thornhill explains, “Different people experience multiple orgasms in different ways. For some folks it’s a rapid series of climaxes, occurring within a few seconds of one another. For others, there may be an individual orgasm, followed by a brief pause, followed by another individual orgasm. For some, it can mean getting aroused, stimulation, followed orgasm, total resolution (that’s M&J [Masters and Johnson] speak for your body going back to its pre-aroused state), followed by renewed arousal, more stimulation, and another orgasm.”

Dr. Thornhill makes some important points. Orgasms feel and manifest differently for different people. Selma Blair’s character in the movie Cruel Intentions, for example, describes her first orgasm by saying, “Then I started getting really hot, and then I started shaking, then I don’t know, it was weird, it just felt like an EXPLOSION...but a good one.” Some folks experience that explosive release of tension. Others feel rapid contracting and release in their pelvic region. Some may experience ejaculation at the point of orgasm, but others may ejaculate before or after the orgasm, or independently of orgasm. Sometimes feelings of intense release can occur without any physical stimulation at all.

How to Create an Orgasm-Friendly Environment
If you want to help create an environment that is conducive to pleasure and orgasm, no matter how many times it manifests (if at all!), here are some suggestions:

Eliminate distractions. Set aside time where you can focus on all the things that make your body feel good. Turn your phone on silent, go somewhere you won’t be interrupted, and enjoy yourself.

Consider orgasm a bonus, not a focus. As I’ve mentioned, focusing too much on orgasm during sex actually makes it more difficult to have an orgasm at all, much less multiple orgasms. Instead, focus on what brings you the most pleasure at any given moment.

Use (and don’t use) your muscles. You can activate your pelvic floor by clenching your core muscles along with the muscles in your butt, thighs, and calves. Many find that this tension makes it easier to orgasm, since an orgasm is simply an involuntary release of muscle tension. For instance, in order to have a stimulation-based orgasm, I need to be lying down with my legs straight out and clenched. I literally cannot get off if my legs are bent or not flexed. Conversely, some find the tension distracting or interfering with their pleasure due to muscle cramps or the position they need to be in to facilitate orgasm. Experiment with muscle use to find out what works best for you.

Breathe deeply. Seriously. You have to be able to breathe. Many find themselves holding their breath at various points during pleasurable sensation. Holding your breath or taking rapid, shallow breaths (just at the top of your chest) can actually induce a stress response, which is the antithesis of pleasure. Keep breathing down into your thoracic diaphragm. Pretend you’re sucking on a vape pen: inhale for four seconds, pause a second, and exhale for eight seconds. This will kick on your parasympathetic nervous system and get your body out of fight/flight/freeze mode.

Does Cannabis Impact Your Orgasms?
The survey didn’t give any explanation beyond the statistic, so I’m speculating here, but I suspect cannabis is useful because it facilitates relaxation and mindfulness, two key components of pleasurable sensation. If you know that you’re prone to getting stuck in your head, try a high CBD strain for anxiety. For those who want to amplify sensation, try a strain that makes you extra sensitive to tactile stimuli like Key Lime Pie.
I've noticed that sexual repression is common, at least where I'm from. Lots of issues swirling around, from childhood traumas, from repressive child rearing practices, from societal pressures. The deep relaxation induced by cannabis, what I like to call massaging the "hard wiring" seems to help with most psychological afflictions. Just my observation.
Afternoon Live Stoners, a bit of a gloomy overcast day here but still humid...the rain is coming.
Managed to get the beds finished in the polytunnel
View attachment 565306 All made from free reclaimed timber :d5: Got hold of some nice long pallets which was cheaper, but a lot more work than using new wood. Also better for the planet which sits well with me.
Notice how the Mrs has put some plants in there already, even though there isn't any soil in the beds. In tune as I am with the female psyche, I realize this is a subtle hint to put soil into the beds today. It will be done O mighty one:bow:
Hope everyone is well, wherever you are in the world and whatever you're doing:smokeout:
nice raised beds
Who wants a "Limited Edition" badge???!!! I was gifted the opportunity, to dole out a badge today, and today only!! Once its doled out to a select few, then it will be gone and you will have bragging rights on a badge no one else can have or get!!:headbang: Here is the low down on the badge....A few weeks ago, I posted here, in Live Stoners a funny pic for a germination badge, this one...
View attachment 565513 (briman's get crackin badge!!)
Mossy, saw it and being the good sort she is, made me the badge. SO, this badge will have no meaning as to germination. It will be for members that "get crackin" or put in a little vibe on site! Who wants the FIRST "LIMITED EDITION" AFN badge?

OK, here is the deal on the badge....Go to this link...

Pick 3 random threads, Pop in and let 3 random NEW GROWERS have 2 minutes of your time and post something positive in their thread, "looks good in here" or "If you need any help, let me know" something to let them know their journal has some of the more experienced growers watching them.
PM ME your 3 links and the badge is yours! Simple, takes a few minutes and YOU just spread the vibe at AFN! Badge will be gone after today, so if you want it, "Get Crackin!":woohoo1:

:woohoo:WoooHooo I got me, Briman's "Get Crackin" bagdge"!!!!!!:frog:

How cool is that :cool1: yeah that's right, very cool! :cool1: Badge whores take note this is a very limited badge and is only available TODAY can you dig it:digit:?? :gary:

I have quoted Brimans posts here so you can read them without having to search for it!!

Do good things and good things will happen to you, that's karma baby :karmacloud: and we all love good karma.:jump:

It might seem a bit of an effort but we were all new to AFN at some point and this is a great way to share the love we get from AFN :pighug: :zen::love::forward:

Not to mention an exclusive ,time limited , one off, never to be repeated BADGE!:thumbsup: Get one toady or forever regret missing out :frowny:

Who's gonna join me? Time to "Get Crackin" you beautiful people.:vibe:

She don't smoke anything so I it's brought home to me.
Ran out of hash 3 days ago, streets are dry coz the Police Drug Task Force jailed a lot of people. Staff shortage!
Don't feel very well... And still 2-4 weeks to harvest.
hang in there bro, you're closer to harvest than I am, lol
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